Although it feels like COVID-19 is the only thing we experienced this year, it will -at most – constitute a third of our school year. So even though we continue along with our Distance Learning Program, even though things continue to be unpredictable, it is still true that when the calendar turns to May and June, you can count on me to deliver a series of “Transparency Files” blog posts! This year, I am beginning with a self-evaluation, and will continue with the sharing out of results from this year’s Annual Parent Survey, results from this year’s Annual Faculty Survey (which is shared directly with them), and will conclude with a discussion of next year’s new initiatives and an introduction of the 2020-2021 OJCS Faculty. [Things being what they are, these posts may not follow weekly.]
So let’s lean in…
We are in that “evaluation” time of year! As Head of School, I have the responsibility for performing an evaluation of staff and faculty each year. Fittingly, they have an opportunity to do the same of me. Our Annual Faculty Survey presents current teachers and staff with the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback of my performance as Head of School. Our Annual Parent Survey presents current parents with an opportunity to do the same (as part of a much larger survey of school satisfaction). Please know that the full unedited results of both are sent onto the OJCS Board of Trustees Head Support & Evaluation Committee as part of their data collection for the execution of my annual performance review.
You are welcome to review last year’s self-evaluation post before moving onto this year’s…
This year’s self-evaluation is based on goals created for this year (which was done at the beginning of the year in consultation with that same Head Support & Evaluation Committee). You will not find a complete laundry list of my day-to-day responsibilities. [I typically focus in this blog post on more of my “principal’s” responsibilities, and not as much on my “head of school’s” (i.e. fundraising, marketing, budgeting, etc.)] This means that you are only going to see selected components [there are more goals in each area than I am highlighting here] for the 2019-2020 OJCS academic year:
Establish steady and measurable growth of the student population
- Leverage parlour meeting(s) w/host families.
- Meet ahead of scheduled parlour meetings with host families to discuss an invitation strategy as well as salient points that better target the invited families.
- Meet after with host families to discuss follow-up strategy with a goal of converting 95% of attendees into scheduled tours.
- Work with Admissions Director to introduce a more data-driven approach to the entire admissions cycle.
- Explore data management programs (analogous to development) to better collect and sort relevant data for the entire admissions cycle (inquiries, tours, applications, follow-ups, admissions, etc.).
- Introduce metrics (i.e. “touches”) into the regular moves management process.
OJCS is a school of excellence
- Working with French Faculty to integrate TACLEF training (year one of two).
- Assign a veteran teacher to shepherd the process and calendar all relevant training sessions.
- Meet with French Faculty after each round of training to see how teachers are faring.
- Encourage use of diagnostic tools as part of the process of preparing for both report cards and parent-teacher conferences.
- Share out with families (whether in a meeting and/or blog) updates of the work and its impact on the schools.
- Prototyping student blogfolios in Grades 5 & 6.
- Work with IT to establish the blogfolios.
- Work with the Educational Leadership Team (ELT) (Mrs. Thompson in particular) to help the Middle School Team understand the value of student blogfolios and how to best utilize them.
- Engage in proactive parent education with the families in Grade 5 (Grade 6 families began this last year) to best prepare them to be active partners.
- Aim for Grade 5 to prototype Student-Led Conferences for the Spring (b/c/ they tie naturally to student blogfolios).
- Actualize new HW Philosophy across K-8.
- Prepare and present new HW Philosophy (focusing on implementation strategies) to faculty during Pre-Planning Week.
- Facilitate a session on “Homework” at Parent Night.
- Work with the ELT to address ongoing issues through the implementation phase.
- Solicit feedback from parents, students and teachers as to how the new philosophy and policies are working.
- Launch new behavior management program anchored in 7 Habits / North Stars.
- Prepare and present new behavior management program (focusing on implementation strategies) to faculty during Pre-Planning Week
- Facilitate a session on “Behavior Management” at Parent Night.
- Work with the ELT to address ongoing issues through the implementation phase.
- Solicit feedback from parents, students and teachers as to how the new philosophy and policies are working.
Public & Community Relations
- Introduce “Parent Workshops” (instead of “Town Halls”) around areas of intent interest (i.e. use of technology).
- Solicit feedback from parents as to what kinds of workshops would be meaningful to invest parental energy in participating in.
- Launch 1-3 Parent Workshops (either scheduled at multiple times and/or w/virtual options to accommodate busy schedules).
- Prototype family educational experiences.
- Gather feedback from parents and teachers as to what kinds of family experiences (whether in school like a “Family Kabbalat Shabbat” or outside of school like a “Family Retreat” would be meaningful.
- Launch 1-2 Parent Family Experiences.
So. It would neither be fair nor true to blame any unfinished business or any unaccomplished goals on COVID-19, in fact in some cases it may have actually accelerated our path. But it is both fair and true to name that it surely was and is a complicated factor. Nonetheless, I am pleased to say that we managed to hit many of the above goals and are on our way to hitting the rest!
Here are some things to focus in on…
…we regard to Admissions, we were in the middle of a new outreach initiative to the Israeli community (championed by current OJCS Israeli parents) and had an event scheduled to bring new Israeli families to OJCS for a Lego Robotics activity, but it got canceled due to COVID-19.
…with regard to TACLEF, in addition to what I posted right before we had to pivot towards distance learning, with the (small) sample of (strategically selected) students who were used to train the teachers on the diagnostic tools, data was used not only for report cards and parent-teacher conferences, but also to navigate questions about French level placement. If not for COVID-19, there should have / would have / will be a French Town Hall with more concrete findings and next steps. Our last in-person training session for this year has been postponed into the already planned second year of this consultancy.
…with regard to Student Blogfolios, work was done with the ELT, but we did not get as far with the full Middle School Team as we would have liked. Use of blogfolios in Grade 6 was pretty scattershot until we were forced into our Distance Learning Program. Use increased out of necessity and we look forward to a carryover effect when we return to normal schooling. Working with the Grade 5 Team, we successfully onboarded Grade 5 Parents – at least more successfully than the last cohort. We were headed towards a prototype of a Student-Led Conference, although it is possible we may not have gotten all the way there, before COVID-19, but now this too must wait until next year.
…with regard to the new Homework Philosophy, I think, as expected, that implementation has been the trickiest part. We will need to continue to spend meaningful time with faculty to ensure a shared understanding of how the philosophy ought to live across grades and subjects. It is also going to be hard to know how the shift towards Distance Learning for the last third of the school will color feedback on this (and the next one below). We will get some sense from Faculty and Parent Surveys, but not as targeted as it otherwise might have been.
…with regard to the new behavior management program, as with the new homework philosophy, implementation is the trickiest part. We had greater success in the Lower School than in the Middle School, but good progress was being made right up until COVID-19. More work will need to be done into next year. Hereto, it is going to be hard to know how the shift towards Distance Learning for the last third of the school will color feedback. As above, we will get some sense from Faculty and Parent Surveys, but not as targeted as it otherwise might have been.
…and, finally, with regard to parent and community relations, this still feels like an area for growth. We held one workshop on “Technology” and then the move towards Distance Learning led to additional workshops specific to the pandemic. Our virtual Family Kabbalat Shabbats and PTA virtual experiences have played a meaningful role during this time of distancing.
Those are just highlights.
If you have already contributed feedback through our surveys, thank you. Your (additional and/or direct) feedback – whether publicly commented here, privately shared with me through email or social media, or shared through conversation – is greatly appreciated. As I tell our teachers, I look forward to getting better at my job each year and I am thankful for the feedback I receive that allows me to try.
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