A Carnival of Blogs

With Winter Break Itch starting to spread, I thought it might be useful to swap out my usual way-too-long blog post this week for a small series of mini-mini-posts, updating and reminding you of things to know.

Let the carnival begin…

Each year, I typically dedicate 3-5 blog posts to “touring the OJCS Blogosphere” as a way of helping you see how much amazing content our students and teachers create as part of our normal way of operating.  It is also with the hope that our students (and teachers) can see that the work they do matters; that by putting authentic and meaningful work into the universe, and that by the universe commenting back with feedback, that it will inspire our students (and teachers) to do their best work and to fulfil the “moral imperative of sharing”.  YOU are the “U” in “Universe”.  Momentum begets momentum.  A snowball grows as it moves.  So please, whether you are a parent or a grandparent in our school or not.  Whether you are a fellow-traveller in Jewish education or not.  Whatever brings you to this blog, please click out of it to the OJCS Blogosphere, read any blog or blogfolio and make a quality comment.  Just a few unexpected positive comments from a few unexpected locations causes such enthusiasm…

  • Yes, Goal-Setting Conferences took place a few weeks ago, but our students (and teachers!) are committed to ensuring they are lived and felt in the classrooms and beyond.  If you want to see a few examples of how our students themselves understand the work, you should check out a few of their posts on their blogfolios.  Like this one by Shayna in Grade 6.
  • Or check out these amazing First Nations projects in Grade 5 Extended French, by reading this post by Madame Efi.
  • Grade 6 students are diving into creative media projects as their culminating assignment for Jason Reynolds’ Ghost.  Did you think we could do stop-motion video?  Click here to find out.
  • Grade 4 is learning fractions through (foam) pizza-making!
  • The OJCS Library just got in a wonderful order of fantastic new non-fiction.  Here are some of the noteworthy selections.
  • Kindergarten is learning how animals keep warm through winter with some hands-on experiments.
  • Grade 1 is working hard on their Hebrew-language skills!

And so on and so on…

We look forward to safely welcoming you to this year’s special OJCS Chanukah Family Program!  Date and time has been communicated directly to parents and we are looking forward to coming together as an OJCS Family…now more than ever.

Author: Jon Mitzmacher

Dr. Jon Mitzmacher is the Head of the Ottawa Jewish Community School. Jon is studying to be a rabbi at the Academy for Jewish Religion and is on the faculty of the Day School Leadership Training Institute (DSLTI) as a mentor. He was most recently the VP of Innovation for Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools.  He is the former Executive Director of the Schechter Day School Network.  He is also the former head of the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, a K-8 Solomon Schechter, located in Jacksonville, FL, and part of the Jacksonville Jewish Center.  He was the founding head of the Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas.  Jon has worked in all aspects of Jewish Education from camping to congregations and everything in between.