This has been yet another action-packed week at MJGDS!
We had all our Model Seders this week and closed out with Parent-Teacher Conferences.
But in between, as you may recall from this blog post, here, I spent one day this week engaged in my second “No Office Day” – but this one had a twist. It was a “Principal-Student Swap”! I switched places with Shoshana H. who created and posted her own 2-minute Community of Kindness video on her blog post, here. It will take me until after Passover Break to edit my video into a “movie”, but you can get a taste of it by checking out a bit of the raw video:
I look forward to editing the video and doing a reflection on the experience as my next blog post. And Shoshana will be doing the same on hers.
This post will hopefully be the first in a series of “Transparency Files” that will likely take me through the rest of the school year. This is the season that we learn lots of important information about our school…and in the spirit of transparency we try to share that information with our stakeholders. We currently have annual Faculty and Parent Surveys being filled out and returned. I look forward to sharing those results when they are ready. I also look forward to sharing the results of our standardized tests when they come back. We did last year (here, here and here) and we will do so each year. It is part of our pledge of transparency. We always have room to grow and to learn.
Speaking of which…we finally received our FCIS (Florida Council of Independent Schools) preliminary report! (The final draft will go to the June FCIS Board Meeting for approval.) I wanted to use this opportunity, while we are still in session, to share the commendations and recommendations we learned from FCIS. (When the final report comes in, I may make sections of it available on our website.) It was a very affirming experience for all involved. It reinforced our strengths and gave us concrete steps towards improving our deficits. I look forward to building upon the commendations and acting upon the recommendations in the months and years ahead. What follows is taken directly from the report:
Florida Council of Independent Schools
Florida Kindergarten Council
Evaluation for Martin J. Gottlieb Day School
March 11-13, 2012
Executive Summary
The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and the Jacksonville Jewish Center Preschool are integral programs of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, a conservative Jewish community with nearly two thousand members. The educational programs of the Synagogue have operated independently, but will soon be unified under the leadership of the current Head of School of Martin J. Gottlieb, who will report to the Educational Cabinet of the Jacksonville Jewish Center. The chair of the Educational Cabinet serves as the Vice President of Education on the Board of Directors of the Synagogue.
Responsibilities for the physical plant, maintenance, finances, food service, and security are all the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Synagogue, while all religious matters are the responsibility of the Senior Rabbi. Both the Preschool and The Day School have experienced declining enrollments, but due to energized leadership and excitement with the 21st century learning initiative, enrollment has stabilized and projections for 2012-13 call for a slight increase. The FCIS-FKC evaluation was postponed by one year due to a change in leadership at Martin J. Gottlieb.
DESCRIPTION: The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and the Jacksonville Jewish Center Preschool are affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. The Preschool was founded in 1942 and the Day school began operation in 1961. In 2012-13, 69 students are enrolled in the Preschool and 125 students attend the Day School. The Mission of the Preschool is “to provide a superior program that meets the social, physical, ethnic, and academic needs of each child. The Preschool’s foundation is built upon a philosophy of hands-on learning while providing an atmosphere that instills confidence, acceptance, self-worth, and character development.” The Mission of Martin J. Gottlieb Day School states, “We are committed to providing a caring, supportive community in which each student can grow academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. The students are presented with a philosophy of life based upon the values and concerns embodied in Conservative Judaism, stressing social action and social responsibility.”
- The school has identified a clear need to streamline the organizational leadership structure for the three separate schools at the Jacksonville Jewish Center, and as such, have developed a task force to strategically develop a plan to make the necessary and appropriate changes.
- The Gottlieb Day School has brought on quality professional senior administrators to lead the school in its current time of transition.
- It is recommended that the elementary school teachers meet as a group more often than once monthly.
- With the “merger” of the existing schools, and in particular in the case of the Gottlieb Day School and the Preschool, it is essential that a greater parity of faculty salaries be established.
- Teachers feel supported by the Head of School and report that he is working to increase hours and improve benefits.
- General Education and Judaic Studies teachers are to be commended for their commitment to planning interdisciplinary units for students.
- Ongoing Professional Development opportunities are made available to teachers and teaching assistants.
- The Faculty Ning has provided teachers with a method to evaluate, assess, and reflect on their lesson plans.
- The 21st Century Learning Team provides on-going coaching and support while authentically integrating educational technology into academic areas.
- The administration should continue to work to improve the “benefits package” available for teachers.
- The administration must structure a plan which makes an adjustment to teacher salaries so that pay is equitable across all divisions.
- The overall morale of students in both the Preschool and Day School is positive as students readily display cheerful and content attitudes in classrooms and about campus.
- Students are respectful and courteous to each other, school personnel, and visitors.
- The faculty and staff of the Preschool and Day School are dedicated professionals who strive to make the academic, behavioral, emotional, and religious needs of the students a top priority. This is reflected in the positive interactions between students as well as between students and the faculty/staff.
- Continue to provide and expand lessons that teach students appropriate ways to handle difficult situations while treating each other in a kind and respectful manner.
- Continue the practice of helping others through service projects in the larger community.
- Continue the strong focus on Jewish values, which will continually foster the nurturing environment already established throughout the school.
- The Admissions Director is an extremely beneficial position for the success of the school. With declining enrollment over the previous five years, the school hopefully has an opportunity to reverse this trend.
- The Day School offers a generous financial assistance program that enables more families to attend the school.
- An inviting website has been developed to introduce prospective families to The Day School.
- The school has sponsored several programs to secure a more visible presence for the school in the community.
- With the acceptance of the McKay Scholarship, The Day School should examine the special needs they are able to accommodate within their school setting. The administration needs to develop a program with appropriate staffing that will enable these students to be successful.
- Attention should be given to developing more comprehensive standard entrance assessments for grades 1-8.
- Benchmarks and standards have been created across all grade levels to ensure integrity of the academic program.
- The Lower School has added the Singapore Math Program in kindergarten through fifth grade to ensure acquisition of foundational and fundamental math skills.
- The creation of blogfolios for lower school students demonstrates the authentic integration of technology tools into the curriculum.
- Implement an academic support process for students who do not have prior instruction in Singapore Math to facilitate a smooth transition into the math program.
- More attention needs to be given to curriculum development and scheduling in Social Studies and Science.
- Block scheduling may increase the ability of teachers to meet the needs of all learners.
- The students in the Middle School seem happy and engaged in their own education.
- The 21st Century Learning community has created an environment of cutting edge education at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School.
- Each student has developed a blogfolio that is an important component of a student’s assessment.
- Small classes enable the Middle School teachers to truly differentiate their curriculum.
- The Middle School students have taken ownership of their spiritual learning by leading the Tefillah (prayer service).
- The Mitzvah Program, on Friday mornings, enables the students to volunteer in the greater Jacksonville community.
- The math curriculum allows students to advance into courses that enable them to receive high school credit.
- The PE department should consider expanding their afterschool sports program to increase student participation and include 5th grade students on their teams.
- The Middle School Vice-Principal wears many hats within the school community. The school should consider additional support for this position.
- The media center is an inviting space that supports student learning through various means including an extensive book collection and electronic resources.
- The media specialist is very knowledgeable in the area of 21st Century learning and is instrumental in encouraging students and teachers in gaining knowledge pertaining to information literacies.
- Continue to budget for and purchase additional electronic and book collections, especially nonfiction titles.
- Encourage volunteerism in the media center to assist the media specialist in the updating of the card catalog and the assessment of the current collection.
- The administration, faculty and staff are commended for their understanding of 21st Century literacies and the implementation of a school-wide initiative to ensure that technology is embedded into the curriculum as tools for students.
- The interdisciplinary use of technology and digital media such as that used in the art program enhances and supplements classroom instruction in a meaningful way.
- The Technology Plan needs to be rewritten and updated to support the school’s mission and philosophy.
- It is clear that the school has embraced its new mascot (pictured on campus murals, spirit wear, and other school paraphernalia). Campus spirit and pride are positive across the broad spectrum of stakeholders (students, alumni, faculty, and staff).
- The ability to develop a Middle School inter-scholastic girls’ volleyball team after only one year is commended.
- Having a new perspective on the objectives of the Knesset and how the students are elected, function, and pursue their purpose is now recognizably in line with the school’s overall philosophy and mission.
- Given the wonderful resources present at the current facilities, it is recommended that attention be given to the outdoor basketball and tennis courts in order to provide safe spaces for additional after-school athletic options.
- Consideration should be given to creating a developmental sports team this spring, which could engage the students now and provide them the confidence to be ready to compete in that sport next year.
- The Jacksonville Jewish Center is commended for developing a new governance model for its educational divisions. The Galinsky Academy will unify the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, the Jewish Center Preschool, and the JJC Religious School under one administrative structure. The visiting team believes that this will increase efficiencies, improve the transition between divisions and better utilize staff and facilities.
- The 21st Century Learning model is transforming teaching and learning in the school. Evidence of this is particularly noteworthy in the blogging program as a vehicle for improving analytical writing skills. Furthermore, the program is expanding global awareness and increasing depth of understanding of complex issues.
- It is evident to the Visiting Committee that a strong spirit of community is present in the faculty, students, and parents of the Jewish Center Schools. The personal relationships between the members of the community are supportive and represent strong alignment with the mission of the schools.
- The school facilities are clean, well maintained and attractive. Commendations are specially noted for the new Preschool Garden, the wall murals, and the colorful decorations in the hallways and classrooms.
- Faced with declining enrollment, the Day School is commended for hiring a full-time admission and marketing director. An important challenge for 2012-13 will be to update and revise publications, materials, and the web site to reflect the new Galinsky Academy structure.
- The Director of the Preschool, Head of School and the Vice-President of the Education Community are commended for effective leadership during a time of change and challenge for both schools. All three are committed to the Mission of the School and are dedicated to furthering its advancement.
- The faculty in both the Preschool and the Day School are commended for their exemplary professional development. Of particular note are their regular communication and sharing through the NING website, the extensive use of outside speakers and the time devoted in faculty meetings to presentations by professionals who work here.
- Combine elements of the Strategic Plans developed by the Preschool and the Day School into a comprehensive plan for the Galinsky Academy that outlines the steps required to fulfill the vision for the new school.
- Continue to implement the 21st Century Learning Principles throughout the school by offering professional development, mentorship, and providing adequate funding.
- Clearly articulate the parameters for admission and the support necessary to admit and accommodate special needs students into the Martin J. Gottlieb Day program.
- Explore additional ways to increase enrollment and retention, including developing partnerships with other Jewish institutions (JCA), communicating regularly with alumni, and marketing effectively through Jewish publications.
- Finalize and approve all elements of the Galinsky Academy governance structure including the revised organizational chart, the Governing Principles, committee responsibilities, and job descriptions.
- Complete the renovation and remodeling of the Preschool and the second floor of the Day School facility while upgrading the technology to support the 21st century learning model, as needed.
If you made it this far in the blog…congratulations! I know it was a lot (and there was plenty more I did not include), but we want to put as much out there as we can. This was my very first experience with accreditation; it was a tremendous learning experience for me and for our team. We feel good about where we are and have a roadmap to being somewhere even better quickly.
From my family to yours…Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach!