The Transparency Files: Evaluation of Self

How great was it to have everyone back after Passover Break!  Super great!  A school without students is just a building…it is good to be back and headed towards the home stretch!  The final quarter of school has begun…

And so,ucm206324 I would like to begin my annual series of “Transparency Files” blog posts which begins with my own evaluation, soon moves to reveal the results of this year’s Parent Survey, follows with a discussion on this year’s standardized testing results and concludes with a conversation about next year’s faculty and schedule.

We are in that “evaluation” time of year!  As Head of the Day School, I have the responsibility for performing the evaluation of staff and faculty each year.  [As Head of Academy, I have the responsibility for performing evaluation of school heads each November.]  Fittingly, they have an opportunity to do the same of me.  Our annual Faculty Survey presents current teachers and staff with the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback of my performance as head of school.  Please know that it is sent unedited to the Head Support & Evaluation Committee as part of their data collection for my evaluation.

If you want to see context, I invite you begin with last year’s blog post.  This year’s self-evaluation is based on new goals for this year.  You will not find a complete laundry list of my day to day responsibilities.  Nor will you find my goals as Head of Academy.  (I intend to reflect on my second year as Head of Galinsky Academy in an upcoming post.) Here, then, are selected components from my self-evaluation for the 2013-2014 MJGDS academic year:

Extend dedicated science instruction throughout the lower school of MJGDS.

Building upon one of our major accomplishments from last year was ensuring our students in the lower school (K-5) had the requisite amount of science instruction according national standards for science education.  This year we hired our first-ever, full-time K-8 Science Instructor!  Mrs. Jaffa has ably stepped into the shoes left behind by our long-time Middle School Science Teacher, Mrs. Burkhart, while beginning to create her own unique identity.  And she has significantly raised the bar in our Lower School, ensuring that love of science begins at the youngest grades.  “Science” is the “S” in “STEM” and we are pleased that it is becoming one of our strengths.


Our work with Jewish Interactive was a huge success!  Students researched and gathered the Jewish content to be included in their game, developed a curriculum and learning objectives, scripted an instructional game design, and developed characters and graphics. Every step of the process was supported and guided by the team and educators at MJGDS and the Jewish Interactive team.  We see this is an exciting new direction which ties together so much of what excites us about education – student ownership of learning, Jewish and General Studies integration, differentiated instruction, gaming theory, etc.

We hit our goal of over 1,000 downloads and are now dreaming new dreams!

Habits of Kindness

“Community of Kindness” made a great slogan and a lousy call to action.  We all recognized the need to be more “kind” and to ensure that our community acted with increased “kindness” to all…but what exactly do you do?

The first strategic decision was to pull the initiative in-house (last year we worked in partnership with Jewish Family & Community Services) and give the position to a full-time employee with knowledge, experience and relationships that transcend the academy, and so we named Stephanie Teitelbaum as our Galinsky Academy Community of Kindness Coordinator.

To further answer that question and to provide us with a common vision, language and set of behaviors we turned to a well-researched set of habits, seven of them to be exact.

With a huge assist from Andrea Hernandez, who had been quietly encouraging this for at least five years, we went ahead and adopted and adapted The Leader in Me.

We began at Faculty Pre-Planning when we held a joint session of DuBow Preschool and Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Faculty introducing the big idea and how we plan to proceed.  Teachers of similar ages and grades were led through brainstorming activities on how to incorporate the first two habits as it is our plan, beginning in September, to focus each month on one habit.  [The Bernard and Alice Selevan Religious School and Makom Hebrew High came on board as they opened up.]  We began introducing the “habit of the month” at assemblies led by our middle school students.  Activities were grade and age appropriate and included stories, lessons and resources.  Parents were able to find evidence of how the habits came to life on school websites, classroom blogs, and student blogfolios.

Student Advisory

This year at MJGDS, we implemented a new Advisory Program.  Each student in Grades 4-8 was assigned a teacher or staff member to assist the student in achieving his/her academic and personal goals.  The advisor is an advocate to address personal, spiritual, social, and academic issues for each child.

What are the benefits of a student advisor?

Advisory offers emotional support for students. Social networks at this age can be extremely difficult for children.  The advisor will supply support in challenging social and academic situations. The advisor will also provide a system to help new students acclimate to our school.

The advisor is someone the student knows s/he can trust and talk to about his/her progress in school. Advisors will help promote self-esteem and security.  The advisor will become an additional contact person for parents, increasing their involvement, which is linked to student achievement at all levels.   Each advisor is responsible for particular students, and each student will report concerns to their assigned advisor.


We went through a thorough revision of our homework vision, philosophy, guidelines and are continuing an implementation conversation to ensure that what homework we do give is authentic, meaningful, and of appropriate length of time.

Those are just some highlights…as has been my custom, you will also get an honest look at my shortcomings when I incorporate data from the Faculty and Parent Surveys in upcoming posts.  Additionally, I will be sharing the unedited version of my self-evaluation as well as the unedited version of their evaluation of me on our faculty ning.  Hopefully it will spark further opportunities for conversation and growth.

The Transparency Files: Homework Wars III – Return of the Homework

home-work-close-up-1-1126726-mYou may recall that in Episode I, which came out in late November, I blogged about what was then a pending conversation our faculty was going to have in order to revisit and realign our school’s homework philosophy with our learning target.  In that post, I suggested some likely ideas that I imagined would make their way in based on all the work we have done these last few years making our beliefs about teaching and learning more explicit.

In Episode II, which came out in late January, I blogged about the process our faculty had gone through to create a new philosophy and set of guidelines for homework at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School:

We introduced the project at the December Faculty Meeting in a really interesting way. One member of our 21st Century Learning Team, randomly went onto class blogs and picked homework assignments that were then presented to the faculty to open the meeting.  The question was then asked: “How long do you think this assignment ought to take the ‘typical’ students in this grade?”

The results were clarifying to say the least.  Just about each assignment – regardless of grade level or subject – was estimated to take anywhere between 5-40 minutes!

So if our own teachers couldn’t agree about how long an assignment ought to take our students to complete, imagine how our parents and students feel!

This was a great introduction into a conversation about revising and articulating our school’s homework philosophy.  Unlike other decisions in our school, I made it clear to faculty that although they would have input, the ultimate decision would be mine.  [In our school we peg decisions on a hierarchy of decision-making.  Some decisions they make with my input.  Some decisions I make with their input.  Some decisions require consensus.  Some decisions are made democratically.  And so on.  I find it helpful to make this transparent to teachers so expectations are clear and there are no unnecessarily hurt feelings.]  They were given the month to provide me with feedback to a draft.  I was then to report back at our January Faculty Meeting what the new “MJGDS Homework Philosophy & Guidelines” were to be.

And so I did and I shared it in Episode II.

The final step in the process was and is, perhaps, the most important and complicated – implementation.  Every teacher wants to and believes he or she is giving important and authentic homework.  Every teacher wants to and believes he or she is giving homework of appropriate length and content.  And yet…every teacher struggles to make those beliefs come true.  What does it really mean for homework to be “authentic”?  How can we be sure that the assignments we give are essential, necessary, meaningful and time-respectful?

Those questions we began to answer at our April Faculty Meeting.  And in true MJGDS style, we utilized what is fast becoming a favorite pedagogy of ours: Speed Geeking!  This time we selected five faculty representing different grades and different subjects who are experimenting with authentic homework and we “Homework Geeked”.2014-04-08 16.33.33 2014-04-08 16.33.46 2014-04-08 16.33.59 2014-04-08 16.34.08 2014-04-08 16.34.29

Like any “geeking” experience, it was both too quick and not quick enough.  Faculty had enough time to get the basic idea from each Homework Geeker and to start to explore how that idea may or may not translate to their grade/subject, but not enough time for deeper engagement.  We got to experience a range of ideas from badge learning for Lower School Math Enrichment to VoiceThread for Jewish Studies to flipped learning for Middle School Math to authentic reading as part of a Daily 5 philosophy (that we are going to extend school-wide next year) to family engagement for Kindergarten Social Studies.

And as we went around each table, there were a whole host of other great examples and ideas put on the table and shared.  All faculty were asked to continue the conversation and the sharing on our Faculty Ning.  Faculty were also asked to think about other ideas that go along with an implementation strategy such as…

  • How will teachers who share a grade communicate with each other about daily homework to ensure appropriate time management?
  • How will we coordinate quizzes, tests and other major projects that – along with daily homework – must not only pass the “authenticity” test, but must also be factored into appropriate time management?
  • How will we solicit feedback from students and parents to ensure that our time expectations are accurate?
  • How will communicate with parents so they will understand our homework philosophy, guidelines and implementation strategy in order to be the critical partners we need to achieve success?

As we head into the final quarter of the school year, answering these questions will hopefully bring peace to the “Homework Wars” and usher in a new age of “Homework Authenticity”!  Stay tuned…



edJEWcon FLA

edJEWcon FLA

We took to Hochberg Prep in Miami this week for our next Regional edJEWcon – this one was about "Flipped Learning" with Dr. Marie Alcock. Thanks to the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, the Schechter Network and CAJE-Miami for making it happen!

  1. Interested to learn about the Flipped Classroom tomorrow.
  2. #edjewcon thrilled to finally be experiencing day school teacher learning EdJEWCon
  3. The power of Flipped Classroom is @ meeting the needs of a wide array of students in a very limited time. @mariealcock #edjewcon @CAJEMiami
  4. Continue the conversation after today’s session. Join our new social network.  #edjewcon
  5. Our classrooms are laboratories of education where students take responsibility for their learning- J. Bergmann & A. Sams #flipped #edjewcon
  6. “Producing the videos is the easy part. What you do with the extra time? That’s the hard part!” @mariealcock #edJEWcon #FlippedLearning
  7. 3 selfies: self motivation, self regulation, self assessment #edjewcon
  8. Need to ask WHAT are we assessing? What they learned or how fast they learned it? #edjewcon
  9. Grading needs to be: accurate, consistent, meaningful, and promote learning #edjewcon @mariealcock
  10. @mariealcock suggests we separate grades for achievement (mastering standards), habits of mind & growth. #edjewcon
  11. So glad wo welcome Dr Jane West Walsh @JaneWestWalsh to #edjewcon South Florida. Great to have PARDES represented.
  12. “Heterogenous grouping betters all students except the top 2% of the top 2%” @mariealcock #edJEWcon #FlippedLearning
  13. “Watching a video is not the same as participating in a flipped classroom. Students need to be trained.” @mariealcock #edJEWcon
  14. Flipped learning does not replace deep learning; it creates space for it to happen in school with teacher guidance. @mariealcock #edJEWcon
  15. More learning at #edjewcon around Flipped Learning for Mastery with Dr. Marie Alcock 
  16. Remembering fondly my trip to #edjewcon – wishing I could be there this year!

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Habits of Kindness: “Synergize”

paper-chain-in-the-dark-1215912-mFirst of all, it is hard to believe that we are already introducing the SIXTH Habit, “Syngergize”, because there are only seven…where did all the time go!

When our school introduces a new Habit of Kindness, I take it upon myself to blog about the new Habit.  (Last month was “Seek first to understand, then to be understood“.) Beginning with the fifth Habit, we have been enlisting our Middle School to prepare and present the new Habit at a monthly spirit day assembly.  (You can stay on top of all our Community of Kindness activities by checking out its blog.)  They have been very creative! Each month’s introduction has typically come with a song or dance that tries to explain the Habit in a catchy way that will stick.  Here’s what they came up with for “Syngergize”:

unnamed copy

MJGDS Syngergize

I don’t have video so you will have to supply your own tune (hmmm…that could be a fun contest for the future), but I can assure you that it was appropriately catchy!

Here’s what it says from the “Leader in Me: 7 Habits for Kids” page:

Habit 6 — Synergize

Together Is Better

I value other people’s strengths and learn from them.  I get along well with others, even people who are different than me.  I work well in groups.  I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.  I am humble.

What I would like to do is take this line by line and offer a little midrash via hyperlink about why I think “synergize” has such great…ummm…synergy for a school like ours.

“I value other people’s strengths and learn from them.”

As we have documented our 21st century learning journey over the last four years, one thing that has consistently been borne true, has been that learning is no longer (if it ever was) about transferring knowledge from an adult to a child.  One thing that I treasure about our school is the commitment our teachers have to lifelong learning and the willingness they have to learn not only from each other, but from their students.

“I get along well with others, even people who are different than me.”

Before we had chosen “Community of Kindness” as the initiative to ensure students feel welcome, protected, and loved within (and without) our walls, we had already made quite clear our desire to be an inclusive Jewish day school.  Each student, of course, is different from every other student because each is unique.  But we know that we – not just our school, but each of us – should be ultimately judged by how we treat “difference”.

“I work well in groups.”

One of the critical literacies for the 21st century is the ability to work well in “groups”.  It is why we jumped early to adopt ideas from Alan November about the “digital learning farm” back in our earliest Skype-ortunities (thanks for the coinage Seth Carpenter!) we had students grouped to take ensure that everyone had a meaningful role to play and that students would have authentic opportunities to learn how to work together.  It will be the rare job our students will grow up to perform, where working well with others will not be a key to success.  It isn’t a skill you master in Kindergarten and then revisit in adulthood…it is an art form to be practiced daily so mastery ensues.

“I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.”

So unlike the above, which is ensuring that everyone on a team has unique role, here we really see collaboration in action; that by working with each other and learning from each other we will come up something better together than we could on our own.  I cannot think of anything that reflects collaboration – between students, between students and teachers, and between schools and other organizations – better than our recently completed “Whack-A-Haman” project that reached its goal of 1,250 downloads ahead of Purim.

“I am humble.”

We teach our children that each is made in God’s image and that we ought to remember that when we interact with each other.  Humility is critical to collaboration because it assumes an attitude that one does not know it all and that there is wisdom to be found in each and every one of us if we are only willing to look and to listen.  One way we have embraced humility is in the transition from Parent-Teacher Conferences to Student-Led Conferences and from Teacher Observations to Teacher-Led Evaluations.  In both cases we put the onus of responsibility on the learner to share growth rather than on the authority figure to ferret it out.

Next month we will finish up with “Sharpen the Saw”!

Jon’s #iJED Storify

Jon’s #iJED Storify

This is my quick, rather unedited, Storify of #iJED14 using JUST MY Twitter. I encourage everyone to make and share THEIR Storify using all the social media you are comfortable with! Let the connectedness and collaboration continue!

  1. What’s a little snow? Almost 600 educators have a lot of learning to do. #ijed2014
  2. The only snow I see is on the ground! Ready to fill the parking lot and let the learning begin! #ijed14 #TeacherDay
  3. @Edtechmorah @JewishInteract Don’t miss their presentation! @mjgds @shoshyart There is always room for more collaboration! That’s #ijed14
  4. @HeidiHayesJacob “Help our students as self-navigators and collaborators in the physical and virtual world” #ijed14
  5. There you go! #iJed14 is a TRENDING TOPIC! Way to go, Tweeters! Keep up the momentum!
  6. Learning from @nirvan about how to find, foster, and fund the creativity of children. #ijed14
  7. The Schechter Network will be livestreaming our Network time tomorrow, from noon to two. Click this link to watch it– 
  8. The event honoring Elaine Cohen will be livestreamed tomorrow at 12 during the Network time
  9. These children are amazing! What a beautiful tribute for Dr. Elaine Cohen! Thank you @SchechterLI! @SchechterTweets
  10. Delighted to have joined you & the remarkable teachers. RT @iJEDConference: Wonderfully inspiring speech by @rabbisacks. #ijed14
  11. @rabbisacks discusses the parallels between Anglo Jewry and American Jewry over the past 30 years #ijed14
  12. Tal Ben Shahar: “Focus on what works” #PositivePsychology #ijed14 “Build the best qualities in life”
  13. Reality. Reality. Reality. The 3 secrets of happiness – Tal Ben Shahar. #PositivePsychology #ijed14
  14. Happiness is looking at reality – both of what works and the problems. But what works is vital to recognize! #ijed14
  15. Tal benshachar: resilience is a key factor in success #ijed14
  16. When you have a “what for,” every “how” becomes possible -Tal Ben Shahar, Positive Psychology #ijed14
  17. “The best self-help books are biographies because they give us reality- stories of real people!” – Tal Ben Shahar #ijed14 @PEJEjds fav bio?
  18. In schools, physical activity improves grades and levels of well-being and decreases depression and anxiety. Let’s get kids moving. #ijed14
  19. Tal Ben Shahar: “When we appreciate the good, the good appreciates.” #PositivePsychology #ijed14

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iJED 2014

Untitled1This week is a big week for MJGDS Faculty being honored by their participation in national conversations and conferences!

Liat Walker spent time this week in New Jersey participating in a new “iTal AM” think-tank as recognition of our school’s leading role in thinking about 21st century learning.  Andrea Hernandez will be co-presenting on Friday at NAIS about the role of 21st century learning and the teaching of empathy – which came directly from people and conversations from last year’s edJEWcon.  And Andrea will be at iJED as part of the MJGDS team representing our ongoing interests in the future of edJEWcon.  Shana Gutterman has been invited to present at this year’s iJED (the national conference that includes the Schechter Network [see below]) about the work she has been doing with Jewish Interactive in the creation of the amazing “Whack-A-Haman” app that our Middle School helped produce and is now available at all the app stores.  And Talie Zaifert and I co-facilitated a PEJE Webinar on Tuesday about the role of social media in retention and recruitment!  And Karin Hallett had an article accepted in an upcoming publication from Lookstein about the changing role of libraries and the new ways we need to teach students information literacy.

Congratulations to them and to all of us for creating an environment that encourages experimentation and continues to lead the field!  That’s quite a week!

I want to spend just a few more moments talking about iJED…

What’s “iJED”?


So what’s iJED?

As you can see, it should be something very special!

And as always, you can expect me to be tweeting and utilizing all kinds social media to share our experiences.  The hashtag for the conference will be #ijed14.  I look forward to reflecting on my experience (which I am so pleased to be sharing with Shana and Andrea) upon my return.  I am confident that it will be a conference unlike any other and that there will be lasting impact on our school…and most importantly, our teachers and students.

MJGDS Got Game II – “Whack-a-Haman” – Now Please Get It Too!

[Quick note about last week’s post covering edJEWcon LA: The decision to take edJEWcon on the road this year as regional mini-conferences was jointly made between the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and the Schechter Day School Network out of recognition that the dual national Jewish day school conference schedule made it impossible to hold a third-annual full edJEWcon here in Jacksonville.  In order to keep the brand and the learning alive – and out of responses from across the nation – we decided to take the show on the road.  By continuing to provide the highest quality 21st century professional development to Jewish day schools throughout North America, we have simply widened the scope of what edJEWcon might be in the future.  There may be a full edJEWcon in Jacksonville in 2015 as well as other regional mini-edJEWcon’s.  But what last week demonstrated and what April 1st will demonstrate at edJEWcon FLA, is that the desire for what edJEWcon has to offer the field remains intact and the need for edJEWcon to grow and thrive remains significant.  We’ll keep you posted on the future of edJEWcon and if it winds up coming to a neighborhood near you soon!]

featured-image1In December of 2012, I blogged about an amazing new project we were launching at our school:

We are pleased to announce that Jewish Interactive will be embarking on a joint project with the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School of Jacksonville, Florida, where students will be designing from the ground up an educational Purim video game.  Jewish Interactive will actually build the software, to be released in advance of next Purim for use in their current network to more than 50 elementary schools around the world.

In this jointly planned and executed cross-curricular project, MJGDS students will first learn about the software development cycle and form project teams, each receiving a specific role, e.g.:

 Project manager

 Content expert

 Instructional designer

 Gaming expert

 Graphic artist

 Programmer

 Animator

 Sound effects

Students will research and gather the Jewish content to be included in their game, develop a curriculum and learning objectives, script an instructional game design, and develop characters and graphics. Every step of the process will be supported and guided by the team and educators at MJGDS and the Jewish Interactive team.

The MJGDS team has been a leader of innovation and entrepreneurship in the field, and a strong voice of change and advancement, most noticeably through their edJEWcon initiative, a conference for Jewish schools and institutions on 21st century teaching and learning, and the cross-curricular use of technology in their own school, sharing Jewish Interactive’s vision.

Jewish Interactive is thrilled to embark on this joint initiative with MJGDS and to pioneer the involvement of students at the very core of the learning experience.

And it is with great pride that just over a year later, we can share the following post from the Jewish Interactive website:

Whack-a-Haman is an international collaboration between Jewish Interactive (based in South Africa, UK and Israel) and Martin J Gottlieb Jewish Day School (Jacksonville, Florida).

The students designed the game and its assets under the guidance of Jewish Interactive and their teacher.  Jewish Interactive produced the game.

Download and play this game on your computer now.


  • MJGDS teacher/director: Mrs. Gutterman
  • Project Manager: Casey B.
  • Quality Control: Sarah C.
  • Art Director: Sarah S.
  • Art Team: Talya P. and Lily H.
  • Audio Engineer: Sydney T.
  • Photographer: Noah R.

A special thanks to sixth grade for coming up with the questions:

Benjamin C., Elior L., Gil S., Itamar L., Jamie B., Jolie W., Rebecca B., Zachary S. and Zoe M.

Follow the MJGDS blog describing their progress here.

JI Team

With thanks to the JI team for mentoring and believing in the talent of young adults and for their individual roles:

  • Instructional designer and production management: Corinne Ossendryver
  • Programmer and game mechanics: David Komer
  • Graphics:  Rachel Silke
  • Curriculum development: Chana Kanzen
  • Content approval: Rabbi Johnny Solomon
  • JI Director: Nicole Newfield

Jewish Interactive presented Skype lessons to the middle school students on:

  • Purim
  • Lesson plans and education
  • Instructional design of games
  • Audio
  • Graphic design
  • Basic programming
  • Marketing and budgeting

Thank you to all the students who submitted game ideas and we look forward to collaborating and producing them in the future.

Thank you to Jon Mitzmacher and Andrea Hernandez, Corinne Ossendryver, Chana Kanzen and Nicole Newfield for initiating this project and to Shana Gutterman for making it happen.

Google-play-download-Android  app_store_badge

Or to see how our students’ wrote about it:

JI-Press-release-JPEGI cannot be more proud of the results!  And I am pleased that Shana Gutterman has been asked to present alongside Jewish Interactive at next week’s iJED conference in New York to share with the field the amazing work she and the students have done.

I cannot think of a project that brings together everything we have been learning, talking and trying to do here at MJGDS these last four years than this amazing project.  I hope you download the game.  I hope you go onto to the students’ blogfolios and let them know how incredible their project was.

This is this thing called “21st century learning” in full flower.  This is the future of Jewish education.  And this is just the beginning…


UPDATE: This just came from the good folk at Jewish Interactive…

Dear Team

Mazeltov on the release of the first Jewish Game made by kids, for kids. This is truly a ground breaking project. It is very rare that a collaboration is so seamless, so mutually productive and enjoyable. Well done to everyone who worked on it to make it happen. I am proud to be part of a dynamic team that believes so strongly in the power of our children, who hears what they need and helps facilitate their process of learning. Often people talk about doing projects but they often don’t  happen – even for legitimate reasons.
Everyone on this team has given of their personal time to make this a success. I appreciate all the intellect, guidance, out-the -box thinking and for being ‘YES’  people who find ways to do things. I pray that our learning will help empower many other teachers and young students to have such a positive learning experience and that the App ‘Whack-A – Haman” inspires many schools , families and kids.
Shana and Corinne and David and Rochi –  you were the real push to actually make it happen. Jon thank you for making it happen . To the following kids:
  • Project Manager: Casey B.
  • Quality Control: Sarah C.
  • Art Director: Sarah S.
  • Art Team: Talya P. and Lily H.
  • Audio Engineer: Sydney T.
  • Photographer: Noah R.

Benjamin C., Elior L., Gil S., Itamar L., Jamie B., Jolie W., Rebecca B., Zachary S. and Zoe M.

Message to Kids : Thank you for being part our time. We have been honoured to work with you as colleagues. You guys have talent and we will watch you as you grow and develop over the years . We believe in you and know you all going to do big things in this world to make it a good place for us all. We look forward to more projects  with the whole school.

Shalom  and thank you from Jerusalem,




Nicky Newfield
Director, Jewish Interactive

Mobile +27 82 307 4691
Email   [email protected]

DIY Mah Tovu Spaces

One of my joys as head of school (for real!) is that I teach a weekly Tefillah class to Seventh Grade.  Because as everyone knows, there is nothing that seventh graders enjoy more first thing in the morning than an opportunity to learn and explore prayer with their principal!

This is the second year I have taught this class (I also teach Tefillah to Grade One twice a week and have a weekly seminar with Grade Eight), and I have tried to make sure that my pedagogy is in line with our learning target despite my limited exposure (and planning time).  I don’t always succeed, but I think it is important to talk the talk and not leave it up to the rest of the faculty to walk the walk.

A couple of weeks ago, after completing a unit, I thought it would be interesting for our students to design their own prayer spaces.  We had been studying “Mah Tovu” – a prayer which comes early in the morning service (traditionally on the way into synagogue) – and discussing the blessing of having synagogues and sanctuaries and places in which we are encouraged to connect with our spiritual selves.  I was curious to see what environment our students felt encourages spirituality and so, without time to prep, they were given one brief period to design their own personal “Mah Tovu” space using whatever medium they liked and to email it to me by the end of the period.

Almost each student chose Pixie as their medium and you can see for yourself what some of them designed:

Pixie - Untitled-1-2 Pixie - Untitled-1 Pixie - Untitled-2 Pixie - Untitled-3 Pixie - Untitled-4 Pixie - Untitled Pixie Screenshot_1_14_14_8_51_AM-2Do you see any common themes?

Do you see anything that surprises you?

How would you design your own prayer space?


I look forward to more integration between 21st century learning and Tefillah and welcome suggestions from those of you who are doing this work in your schools and synagogues.  I am going to spend some time thinking about what my Mah Tovu space would look like and when I’ve designed it, I’ll update this blog post.


The Transparency Files: Homework Wars II – The Homework Strikes Back

home-work-close-up-1-1126726-mIn late November, I blogged about what was then a pending conversation our faculty was going to have in order to revisit and realign our school’s homework philosophy with our learning target.  In that post, I suggested some likely ideas that I imagined would make their way in based on all the work we have done these last few years making our beliefs about teaching and learning more explicit.

We introduced the project at the December Faculty Meeting in a really interesting way.  One member of our 21st Century Learning Team, randomly went onto class blogs and picked homework assignments that were then presented to the faculty to open the meeting.  The question was then asked: “How long do you think this assignment ought to take the ‘typical’ students in this grade?”

The results were clarifying to say the least.  Just about each assignment – regardless of grade level or subject – was estimated to take anywhere between 5-40 minutes!

So if our own teachers couldn’t agree about how long an assignment ought to take our students to complete, imagine how our parents and students feel!

This was a great introduction into a conversation about revising and articulating our school’s homework philosophy.  Unlike other decisions in our school, I made it clear to faculty that although they would have input, the ultimate decision would be mine.  [In our school we peg decisions on a hierarchy of decision-making.  Some decisions they make with my input.  Some decisions I make with their input.  Some decisions require consensus.  Some decisions are made democratically.  And so on.  I find it helpful to make this transparent to teachers so expectations are clear and there are no unnecessarily hurt feelings.]  They were given the month to provide me with feedback to a draft similar to that which was in my blog on this issue.  I was then to report back at our January Faculty Meeting what the new “MJGDS Homework Philosophy & Guidelines” were to be.

And so I did.

The following was disseminated to our faculty last week…

MJGDS Homework Philosophy & Guidelines

I.  Introduction

II.  Philosophy

III.  General Homework Principles

IV. Homework Guidelines in Elementary Grades

V.  Homework Guidelines in Middle School Grades

VI.  Characteristics of Effective Homework Practice

VII.  Parent, Student, Teacher, and Administration responsibilities

VIII.  Implementation Strategy [To Be Created]


I.  Introduction

The purpose of the MJGDS Homework Policy is to provide guidelines for teachers, provide for consistency through the grades, and to educate parents who have questions about homework.  A school policy regarding homework, along with clear expectations for teachers as to what constitutes good homework, can help to strengthen the benefits of homework for student learning.

This policy addresses the purposes of homework, amount and frequency, and the responsibilities of teachers, students, parents, and administrators.

The MJGDS Homework Policy is based on research regarding the correlation between homework and student achievement as well as best practices for homework.


II.  Philosophy

The philosophy at the Martin J Gottlieb Day School regarding K-8 homework is that homework should only be assigned that is meaningful, purposeful, and appropriate.  Most learning will take place during the school day (accept when utilizing an explicitly “flipped pedagogy”.  Homework will serve to deepen student learning and enhance understanding.  Homework should be consistent with the schools “Learning Target” and strive to incorporate creativity, critical thinking, authenticity, and student ownership.

Legitimate academic purposes for homework include:

  • practicing a skill or process that students can do independently but not fluently,
  • elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge,
  • enabling students to finish classwork that they were unable to complete in class, and
  • providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest.

Non-academic purposes for homework, particularly in K-3, include:

  • developing better study habits and skills,
  • developing independent problem-solving skills and better time organization, and
  • greater parental appreciation of, and involvement in, schooling.

We understand today’s busy schedules and demands on parent and student time.  Most learning is done in school, but like learning a foreign language or learning to read, reasonable and age-appropriate practice and repetition is exceptionally beneficial in certain subject areas.  We also recognize that in a 21st century learning institution the barriers between bounded times and spaces for learning are ever-shifting and, so, we remain flexible to new ways to provide our students with authentic opportunities to learn and to explore.
III.  General Homework Guidelines for all Grade Levels

  • Homework is never to be used to teach a new skill (with the exception of explicitly “flipped pedagogy”).
  • Teachers are not required to assign homework.
  • Homework should not exceed more than 10 minutes per grade level per night for the average student (not including reading).
  • Homework should be purposeful and meaningful to students.  Legitimate purposes for homework include practicing a skill or process that students can do independently but not fluently, elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge, and providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest.
  • Reading is an integral part of learning and is a consistent part of homework.
  • Practicing second-language skills is consistent part of homework in a bilingual school.
  • Homework will reflect the accommodations and modifications of curriculum that is stated in a student’s modified program.
  • Assigning homework over holidays is highly discouraged.

IV.  Homework Guidelines in Elementary Grades (K-5)

In elementary grades, with the exception of reading and being read to, there is little proven correlation between homework and achievement.

  • In the primary grades (K-3), homework should consist primarily of reading plus a limited number of independent exercises to reinforce previously taught basic skills.
  • Except for reading, homework at the elementary level should not be assigned over weekends, holidays, or extended school breaks.
  • At the upper grades (4-5), homework consists of completing, practicing, preparing, or extending core academic skills and is designed to build independent study habits.
  • Long-term assignments should be limited in number and duration.  Project based assignments should primarily be undertaken and completed in the classroom. These tasks should not require significant assistance from parents or costly materials.  These assignments should include clear checkpoints to monitor progress toward completion.

V.  Homework Guidelines in Middle School Grades (6-8)

  • Homework should be assigned during the school week on a regular basis.
  • Teachers should coordinate scheduling of tests and projects.
  • Long-term assignments at the middle grades should be limited in number and duration.  These assignments should include clear checkpoints to monitor progress toward completion.  All deadlines must be posted on the class blog.
  • When assigning group projects, teachers should allow in-class collaboration time with specific tasks to be completed independently; however, these tasks should not require significant assistance from parents or costly materials.
  • Except for reading, homework at the middle school level should not be assigned over weekends, holidays, or extended school breaks.
  • Bear in mind that middle school students preparing for their b’nei mitzvot are spending 10 minutes per night during the year leading up to their b’nei mitzvot and more than that in the month prior.


VI.  Characteristics of Effective Homework
This section addresses practices to help increase the benefits of homework while minimizing potential problems.  Homework is more effective when…

  • the purpose of the homework assignment is clear.  Students should leave the classroom with a clear understanding of what they are being asked to do and how to do it.
  • it does not discourage and frustrate students.  Students should be familiar with the concepts and material (unless it is taught in an explicitly “flipped” pedagogy, i.e. Math).
  • it is on a consistent schedule.  It can help busy students and parents remember to do assignments when they are consistent.  (Of course, it must be necessary and not just because “it’s Wednesday”.)
  • it is explicitly related to the class-work.
  • it is engaging and creative.
  • part of the homework is done in class.
  • it is authentic.
  • feedback is given.  Follow-up is necessary to address any comprehension issues that may arise.
  • it is differentiated.
  • it reviews past concepts to help retention over the course of the year.


VII.  Responsibilities

Students are responsible for:

  • ensuring understanding of the homework and asking for clarification or help when needed
  • regularly completing assigned homework in a timely manner
  • managing time by staying focused, on task, and planning effectively for long term projects
  • bringing home all necessary materials
  • putting forth their best effort to produce quality work
  • completing or making up missed assignments and tests if required by the teacher.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for:

  • being an advocate for their child, while encouraging the child to advocate for himself/herself
  • encouraging reading at all grade levels
  • providing an appropriate environment, including necessary supplies, for homework to be done
  • providing a healthy balance between homework, extra and co-curricular activities, and family commitments
  • contacting the teacher if their child is not consistently able to do the homework by himself/herself within the time guidelines, or if challenges or questions arise

Teachers are responsible for:

  • sharing expectations for homework with students and parents early in the school year
  • designing homework assignments that clearly articulate their purpose and expected outcome, allowing for student questions and planning
  • providing timely feedback to students
  • ensuring any homework assigned is directly related to the classroom instruction and consists of clear, purposeful, and authentic activities
  • assigning homework that is appropriate and differentiated as needed
  • teaching the skills necessary for the students to complete the homework and become successful independent learners
  • being careful not to assign too much homework or homework that frustrates or discourages the students

Administrators are responsible for:

  • monitoring homework quality and quantity
  • communicating homework expectations with parents


VI.  Implementation Strategies

And this section was – and still is blank.


Because this is the hard part!  It is easy (ish) to write out a philosophy and guidelines.  Putting it into practice in a way that is consistent and clear to all?  That is hard work!

This is why we spent the last hour of our amazing Professional Day last Friday (after our EdCamp) meeting by division (Lower School General Studies, Lower School Jewish Studies & Middle School) to begin to develop an implementation strategy.  Our goal is to finalize that implementation strategy in time for it to be included in all Parent Handbooks for the 2014-2015 school year.  The conversations so far have been especially rich and I am looking forward to seeing how the project comes to conclusion.

Watch this space…