Shofar, So Good!

K & 8 HavdalahThe very first thing we do at the beginning of each school year is gather together as a school community and celebrate the ceremony of Havdalah.  Havdalah literally means “separation” and is the ceremony that marks the transition between Shabbat and the weekday.  Because of its length (short), melody, and prominence in Jewish camping, Havdalah is a relatively popular ritual even with those who are less ritually observant.  Part of what makes any ritual powerful is its ability to infuse the everyday with transcendent meaning.  My small way to lend transcendence to the typical “Back to School” assembly is to use the power of Havdalah to help mark the transition between summer and the start of school.

And so this past Monday morning, the students and faculty of the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School marked the transition between the summer that was and the school year that is presently unfolding with a heartfelt Havdalah.

9552597393_cde60ed76bI told my faculty during “Pre-Planning Week” that I had never been this excited for the start of a school year in my 9 years as a head of school.  All the work of the last three years combined with a cast of talented, dedicated, loving, enthusiastic returning and new teachers has led us to this point.  We are as ready as we have ever been to deliver on the the promise of “a floor, but no ceiling”.  And this first week has more than lived up to my expectations.

It has been wonderful to walk the school, to feel the positive energy oozing through the9552603425_0aec85d685 walls and see the smiling faces of our students and parents.  As we say this time of year, “Shofar so good!”

Our newest faculty members are acquitting themselves with great aplomb and our returning teachers have plenty of new tricks up their sleeves to mix with their tried and true excellence.  We are focused on ensuring that we take the time at the beginning of the year to create classroom communities of kindness under the leadership of our new Community of Kindness Coordinator Stephanie Teitelbaum.  We are paying extra attention to lunch and recess to make sure the good work of the classroom teachers don’t full through the cracks of unstructured time.

The first week of our new 1:1 iPad program in Grades 4 & 5 has been a success (with the normal amount of confusion newness brings) and the addition of a full-time K-8 Science Teacher has already raised the bar for science education at MJGDS.  And in my meetings with faculty to discuss their professional development plans for the year, I can see the impact their summer reading is already having on their practice.


I don’t think I am alone in this, but I will admit that in the eight prior years of being a head of school, that whenever I had the time to do a school walk-through, in addition to all the positive things I was hoping to see…a part of me was always steeled for the possibility of the things I was hoping not to see.  If a principal is honest, s/he knows which teachers s/he has concerns about, which students s/he is worried about, and, yes, which parents s/he has difficulty with.  We don’t share that information with anyone, but in our hearts we know the score.  And we go into each year optimistic that those problem areas will improve, but realistic that there will inevitably be fires to be put out.

I took my first walk-through of this school year yesterday.

9555387218_1761fe3553I visited each classroom.  I saw every facet of our curriculum.  I saw each teacher.  I saw every space.  It took me about a half-hour before I could put my finger on what was different this time around.  And then I realized that the small sinking feeling of the possibility of something going wrong that typically accompanies me on my walk-through’s was absent!  Room after room, teacher after teacher, activity after activity, student after student…it all looked…like how it was supposed to.  It has taken us four years, but it just might be possible that we have finally begun to become the school we have all worked so hard and with such positive energy to become!

I am no pollyanna.  Things are going to go wrong during the course of the year.  We will still have behaviors to correct, programs to improve, teachers to grow, parents to connect, lessons to be learned, and yes, probably a few fires (metaphorical ones this year!) to put out.  But if the next thirty-nine weeks go as well this one, the 2013-2014 school year will, indeed, be a very special one.

To everything there is a season…


Life does move on…

A friend who came last week to pay a shivah call who had recently lost a parent of his own, shared with me that although you would think the goal of shivah is to provide the mourner with ample quiet time to grieve, reflect and reminisce; that, in fact, it is to exhaust the mourner to such a stark degree that any return to normalcy is welcome.  I do not believe that explanation is sourced in Jewish tradition, but I do second the emotion.

And so I have returned to school, to work, to synagogue and to life.  Return is bittersweet – I am glad to be home and welcome the opportunity for meaningful work to fill the void grief left behind.  But it also makes it way too easy to forget that I am still grieving.  I am embracing Jewish grieving rituals – continuing to wear the keriah after transitioning from the shivah to the sheloshim, attending minyan daily to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish, refraining from participating in overly social or joyous occasions, etc., – because they provide opportunities to remind me that I did, indeed, lose my father and to reflect upon all that that means.  And after sheloshim comes the rest of a year of mourning…and I will explore how I intend to commemorate that phase when I enter it a few weeks hence.  But now it is time to turn my attention back to matters at hand and what is at hand is the beginning of an exciting school year at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School as faculty and staff prepare to return on Monday (!) for an action-packed “Pre-Planning Week”.

 The Transparency Files: Pre-Planning Week

At the beginning of the summer, I blogged about our expectations and plans for faculty to use their summertime for professional growth.  I blogged about my summer reading and how it has impacted my thinking heading into another year.  In the spirit of transparency, I would like to share with you what we will be thinking about and working on next week – a week dedicated to ensuring the first day, week, month, etc., of the 2013-2014 school year is full of wonder, discovery, meaning and success for our students.

Here’s the scoop:

Monday, August 12th

9:30 – 10:00 AM                                 Continental Breakfast & Welcome Activities

10:00 – 11:00 AM                                Team-Building Activities – The Transition Cafe

11:00 – 12:30 PM                                Work in Classrooms

12:30 – 2:00 PM                                  PTA Preschool & Day School Lunch & Teambuilding

2:00 – 3:30 PM                                    Lower School & Middle School Faculty Meetings


Tuesday, August 13th

8:45 – 9:00 AM                                    IT

9:00 – 9:30 AM                                    Student Advisory

9:30 – 11:30 AM                                  “7 Habits”

11:30 – 12:30 PM                                 Student Advisor Meeting & New Faculty IT

12:30 – 1:30 PM                                  Lunch & Learn w/Rabbi Olitzky

1:30 – 2:00 PM                                    HR w/ DuBow Preschool Faculty

2:00 – 3:30 PM                                   Work in Classrooms


Wednesday, August 14th

8:30 – 9:30 AM                                   Brunch & Learn w/Rabbi Lubliner

9:30 – 10:30 AM                                  Summer Book Club Groups

10:30 – 11:30 AM                                “Square Peg” Alum & Mom

11:30 – 12:30 PM                                 Lunch [JS Faculty Working Lunch]

12:30 – 3:00 PM                                  Hebrew Faculty Webinar  

12:30 – 3:30 PM                                  Work in Classrooms


Thursday, August 15th

8:30 – 9:30 AM                                   How to talk to parents about “Square Pegs”

9:30 – 10:15 AM                                  “Wonder”

10:15 –12:00 PM                                  Work in Classrooms / MS Faculty Meeting

12:00 – 1:00 PM                                  Lunch

1:00 – 3:30 PM                                    LS “Meet the Teachers” & MS Work in Classrooms


Friday, August 16th

8:00 – 9:00 AM                                    Final Nuts & Bolts

8:30 – 11:45 AM                                  Middle School Orientation

9:00 – 9:30 AM                                    Final Fine Tuning

9:30 –12:00 PM                                   Work in Classrooms


A few things jump out at me…

You can see that Square Pegs has taken on a life larger just one of the books from the Summer Book Club.  A number of teachers and administrators have read it and we believe its message has great resonance for our school.

You can see our belief that the 7 Habits may provide a common language for students and teachers to continue our 21st century learning journey .

You can see in “Student Advisory” the first tangible fruit of having an in-house Community of Kindness Coordinator.

You can see our ongoing commitment to Jewish learning through our “lunch and learn’s”.


But more than anything, I hope you can see our dedication to lifelong learning, our desire to be our very best, our devotion to our craft, our love for children, our passion for education, our acknowledgement of our sacred responsibility to teach, our respect for the whole child, our emphasis on personalized learning, and our promise to deliver “a floor, but no ceiling” for each child we have been entrusted with.

I say it each year, but only because I sincerely mean it.  This year is going to be our best year ever.  And that is because of who comes walking through the door Monday morning.

Welcome back MJGDS Faculty & Staff.

When One Door Opens Another Door Opens

Open DoorsFor those of you who are members of our local school, academy, synagogue or Jewish community and who read my blog regularly (and I thank you if you do!), you may be wondering why I have been so conspicuously silent about what has been known locally for an entire month – namely, my decision not to renew my contract when it expires in order for me to assume leadership of the Schechter Day School Network.

At the time, my desire was that the national announcement should be the place where people not living in Jacksonville should hear about it for the first time, but with that announcement still pending for another week or so and with leaks mounting on Facebook and Twitter, it no longer seems necessary to wait.  Additionally, I have had a full month or so to process and reflect on this future transition and, thus, feel better able to share a little about how this decision is impacting my thinking and planning.  [My focus, here, is on my current headship.  I will have other opportunities and spaces to explore my thinking about Schechter, and when I do, I will be sure to link to them, but this blog is dedicated to my work here and now.]

First, let me take an opportunity to share what was sent to our stakeholders:


May 28, 2013

Dear Galinsky Academy Families and Members of the Jacksonville Jewish Center,

We are very fortunate to have Dr. Jon Mitzmacher leading our efforts toward achieving excellence in all of our Center schools.  As he concludes his first year as Head of the Galinsky Academy, it is clear we are on the right track with a bright future that lies ahead.

In the spirit of transparency, Dr. Mitzmacher and the Schechter Day School Network Network (of which the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School is a member) have engaged in open and candid discussions with the Center’s leadership regarding the Schechter Network’s interest to retain Dr. Mitzmacher as their Executive Director upon the conclusion of his current contract, which would be July 1, 2015.  Since this would be after Dr. Mitzmacher has fulfilled all of the obligations and duties of his current contract, it is with great appreciation that we are receiving a full two years notice of his future plans.

Dr. Mitzmacher has indicated his strong desire that he and his family remain in Jacksonville, as the Executive Director position does not require him to relocate in the immediate future.  As a member of the Schechter Network, the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School will benefit greatly from having the “head of the network” living and working in our Jacksonville Jewish Community and his children attending the Galinsky Academy.

The Schechter Network has assured the Center of their strong desire to ensure a smooth transition for our Day School and the Galinsky Academy.  According to Jane Taubenfeld Cohen, “The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School is a flagship school in our network.  With a rich history of over 50 years, it is a shining example of what Day School education is all about.  We are committed to the ongoing success and positive transition for the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and in no way would we ever want to detract from the great strides the school has made in recent years. ”

Going forward, it is business as usual.  We are very confident that Dr. Mitzmacher is extremely focused on the task at hand.  He is committed to the ongoing success of the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Galinsky Academy and the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School.  We are fortunate to have him leading the way for the next two years.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Mitzmacher on being recognized as an outstanding educator and visionary in Jewish Education.  It is this type of leadership that the Schechter Network desperately needs and will be of benefit to all member schools, including our own.


Michael DuBow                             Alyse Nathans                                                               President                                        VP of Education & Chair, Galinsky Academy Cabinet


One month later, I am still very grateful to Michael, Alyse, and all my other lay leaders for working with me and the Schechter Network as we prepared for, announced and now plan for a healthy and smooth transition.  I continue to be inspired the by care and nurturance the Jacksonville Jewish Center provides its professional staff.

One month later, I am still very grateful to Schechter for working with me to re-imagine what leadership can look like in order to allow me to continue to live in this amazing community and send my children to this amazing school.

Typically opportunity requires you to close one door so that you may open the next.  And sometimes, life is such that a door is closed for you and opportunity requires you to open the next.  Rarely does one have an opportunity to reach for the next open door while the current door remains (in some ways) open!  But that is the blessing the Schechter Network and the Jacksonville Jewish Center has afforded my family and we are humbled by it and grateful for it.

As I shared at our annual L’Dor V’dor event a week after the announcement was made,

Last year, I closed with one of my favorite quotes from the Mishnah: “Lo alecha ha’mlacha legmor…” – “It is not incumbent on you to finish the work, neither are you free to exempt yourself from it.”  (Mishnah: Avot, 2.16).  This year, those words – for me – are charged with new emotion as I prepare to transition over the next two years from my current position to my new position as head of the Schechter Day School Network, which was announced to our community this week.  There is something very appropriate about this timing as it is only because of L’dor V’dor that we have been able to raise the bar at our schools and it is only because of the opportunity and support of this community that the Schechter Network took an interest in our school and in me.  None of this happens for me if I had not been blessed to wind up in this nurturing and special place.  My commitment to Galinsky Academy does not expire when my contract does.  While I am the proud head of the of the Galinsky Academy and when I become the head of the Schechter Network, proud to call MJGDS one our flagship schools, I will remain inspired to do my part – with you – to carry this dream forward into the years ahead.

And so in addition to the typical summer planning one does as a head of school, I have begun thinking about what I need to do over the next couple of years to ensure that not only will the chapter of our school and academy’s history that I will have helped shape be as excellent as it can be, but – perhaps more importantly – that the next chapter continue and better the story.  They say the most important leadership task is paving the future for what comes next…

I can assure you that I will never take a task more seriously.

The Transparency Files: MJGDS 2013-2014 Faculty, Part II

It is hard to believe that we are headed into our last week of school!  (At least for our students that haven’t already left for Camp Ramah Darom – a schedule quirk we have addressed for the future.)  We had a beautiful graduation yesterday evening; I shared with our graduates what I believe to be true of all our students – that we are much prouder of who they are becoming than any accomplishment they have achieved.

Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown visits the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School
Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown visits the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

So now our attention turns from the wonderful year that was to the wonderful year that will be, the 2013-2014 school year.

Last week, in Part I, I identified the teachers who we are saying goodbye to and began to identify the structure and personnel that will make up next year’s faculty.  This week, I want to highlight a few additional and connected decisions, and then simply lay out the entire faculty and staff with however many openings we have left to fill.

The first is connected to the decisions we announced last week.  Namely, if Silvia Tolisano is headed international and Andrea Hernandez is headed into the classroom…who will constitute our 21st Century Learning Team?  Here, we are pleased to announce that we have expanded the roles of three of our outstanding teachers so that they will be able to provide the coaching and resources necessary to keep us moving forward.  Karin Hallet, our amazing Library & Media Specialist, will now go full time.  Shana Gutterman, our amazing Art Teacher, will now go full time and brings extraordinary 21st century learning skills to our team.  They join Stephanie Teitelbaum, as discussed last week, in her new expanded role as heading up our “Community of Kindness” initiative, to create a dynamic and innovative 21st century learning team prepared to pick up the baton and move us forward.  And, with Andrea in our building and Silvia a mouse-click away, we will always have our original “dream team” available for support and advice.

The second is both a staffing and a programmatic change.  With both Mrs. Burkhart and Mrs. Kagan retiring, we found ourselves with the opportunity to re-imagine what science education could look like at MJGDS and are pleased to announce the hiring of Mrs. Karianne Jaffa are our first-ever K-8 Science Instructor!  Mrs. Jaffa is an experienced Middle School Science Teacher who, since moving to Jacksonville, has taught in St. Johns County since 2006.  She will not only teach in our Middle School, but our Lower School as well, helping us deliver on the promise we made last year to expand and upgrade science education for all our students.

The third is to make two more faculty hire announcements which will finalize our entire lead teaching team for the next school year.  (I am presently searching for four assistant teachers, but expect to fill them in the weeks ahead.  Resumes look promising and interviews have begun).  Mrs. Amy McClure will be joining the Middle School Math Team.  Mrs. McClure currently teaches in our DuBow Preschool, but is an experienced Middle School Math Teacher, having taught Middle School Math here in Jacksonville for over five years.  Mr. Evan Susman will be joining us as our new Music Teacher.  Mrs. Jeanine Hoff, our current Music Teacher, has taken full-time work at the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville and we wish her all the best in her new venture.  Mr. Susman is an accomplished musician and teacher who brings song-leading expertise to MJGDS.

With all the announcements and explanations out of the way, it is my pleasure to introduce the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School 2013-2014 Faculty & Staff:

Lower School General Studies Faculty

  • Kindergarten: Mrs. Arlene Yegelwel & Mrs. Carla Bernard
  • First Grade: Ms. Pamela Lewis & Mrs. Shannon McVearry
  • Second Grade: Ms. Amy Stein & (A second teacher to be hired soon!)
  • Third Grade: Mr. Seth Carpenter & (A second teacher to be hired soon!)
  • Fourth Grade/Fifth Grade Language Arts: Mrs. Andrea Hernandez & (A second teacher to be hired soon!)
  • Fourth Grade/Fifth Grade Mathematics & Social Studies: Mrs. Shelly Zavon & (A second teacher to be hired soon!)

Lower School Jewish Studies Faculty

  • Kitah Gan: Morah Edith (Ita) Horovitz
  • Kitah Alef: Morah Robin (Rachel) Morris & Morah Hannah Bendit
  • Kitah Bet: Morah Rivka Cohen
  • Kitah Gimmel: Morah Liat Walker
  • Kitah Dalet: Morah Rivka Cohen
  • Kitah Hay: Morah Liat Walker
  • Kitah Bet-Gimmel Resource Teacher: Morah Rivkah Ohayon
  • Kitah Dalet-Hay Resource Teacher: Morah Mazal Spalter
  • JS Assistant Teacher: Morah Ilana Manasse

Middle School Faculty

  • Science: Mrs. Karianne Jaffa
  • Social Studies: Mrs. Judy Reppert
  • Language Arts: Mrs. Stephanie Teitelbaum
  • Middle School Mathematics: Mrs. Lauren Resnick & Mrs. Amy McClure
  • Hebrew: Morah Rivka Ohayon
  • Rabbinics: Morah Edith (Ita) Horovitz
  • Bible: Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner, Rabbi Jesse Olitzky, & Hazzan Holzer

Resource Teachers

  • Science: Mrs. Karianne Jaffa
  • Music: Mr. Evan Susman
  • Art: Mrs. Shana Gutterman
  • PE: Coach Jared Goldman
  • Jewish Music & Tefillah: Hazzan Jesse Holzer

21st Century Learning Team

  • Library & Media Specialist: Mrs. Karin Hallett
  • Visual Literacy Specialist: Mrs. Shana Gutterman
  • Community of Kindness Coordinator: Mrs. Stephanie Teitelbaum
  • Technology Coordinator: Mrs. Kim Glasgal

MJGDS Administrative Team

  • Administrative Assistant: Ms. Valerie Santiago
  • Executive Assistant: Mrs. Robyn Waring
  • Admissions & Marketing Director: Mrs. Talie Zaifert
  • Middle School Vice-Principal: Mrs. Edith Horovitz
  • Head of School: Dr. Jon Mitzmacher

The Transparency Files: MJGDS 2013-2014 Faculty, Part I

It has been a VERY busy week!

We were very proud to honor Liat Walker this week at our annual PTA Teacher Appreciation Dinner with the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Men’s Club Martin J. Gottlieb Brit Hinukh Award, “given each Spring to one Teacher in the Center schools who best represents the life commitment necessary to bring a quality learning experience to Jewish children.”  It was a well-deserved honor and a fun evening.

I am very appreciative of all the kind words and warm wishes I have received about my future plans.  I have been thinking and reflecting about it all week and when I am ready, I will share my thoughts and feelings here in this space.

This weekend we are celebrating our annual L’dor V’dor event – this year honoring our retiring Youth Director, Gayle Bailys with a special Shabbat morning service and a Sunday event during which she will receive the 2013 Rabbi David Gaffney Leadership in Education Award.  We are looking forward to an incredible weekend!


In the spirit of transparency, because we are a small community prone to well-meaning whispers and whatnot, I decided to split my my annual “Transparency Files” blog post with next year’s faculty assignments into two parts because I do want to make transparent a few issues of import that have become final and public this week.

As you may have already heard, MJGDS will be saying goodbye to a few veteran teachers this year.  We have already publicly acknowledged that Silvia Tolisano, Susan Burkhart, Deb Kuhr and Jo-Ann Kagan will be leaving at the end of this school year.  We are also saying goodbye to Cathleen Toglia, Marissa Tolisano, Megan DiMarco and Sara Luettchau.  Each has contributed much to our school and each will be missed.

We have filled almost all the lead positions and are working to fill the assistant positions as well.  I will lay out the entire new structure and composition of the faculty once it is complete, hopefully next week.  But suffice it to say, that this has presented us with an opportunity to re-imagine our entire staffing structure in order to best meet our school’s needs.  And I would like to take this opportunity to share a few key changes.

Stephanie Teitelbaum will be moving to the Middle School where she will become our new Middle School Language Arts Teacher.  Having successfully introduced elements of the Daily 5 in Grades 4 & 5, as well as important advances in how to integrate 21st century learning into language arts instruction, she will now stabilize and secure excellence in Language Arts instruction for our Middle School.  In addition to her new teaching responsibilities, she will join our 21st century learning team, providing coaching and support to our faculty, focusing primarily on our “Community of Kindness” initiative. We are confident that this is an important long-term decision which will benefit our entire school community.

When faced with the task of replacing Mrs. Teitelbaum, we were very cognizant of the high expectations she has left us with, as well as the new expectations we have created for pioneering 1:1 iPad usage in class.  This is why, after having reviewed a number of resumes and having met with select candidates, we decided that the only way we could responsibly fill the position was to transition Andrea Hernandez back to the classroom where her successful career began.  We have the Daily 5 because Mrs. Hernandez brought it to our school.  We have become a leader in 21st century learning because Mrs. Hernandez pioneered the path.  We would not be ready to go 1:1 with iPads if not for her expertise.  If we can’t have Mrs. Teitelbaum, who better to jump in than the teacher who has been coaching her?

Mrs. Hernandez, having been a highly successful classroom teacher prior to coming to MJGDS, is very excited about returning to the classroom and being able to work more directly with students and parents to implement the creative and innovative programs she has been introducing through our faculty these last years.  She is also excited to partner with Mrs. Zavon in this different structure, having worked with her as a coach.

These decisions have only become clear and final this week and this is the first opportunity I have had to share them publicly.  I recognize that change – even positive change – can cause anxiety and that parents may have questions.  I welcome those questions.  Please feel free to email, call or drop in.  We want you to be as excited about these changes as we are.

And we will share the rest of our faculty news next week.


journey thru jewish holidays2.pdf

As mentioned last week, we have now tallied the winners of our first (annual?) “Journey Through the Jewish Holidays” and would like to take this space to congratulate them.  We will be handing out the Adventure Landing passes next week and the Jaguars tickets next fall.

We hope this incentive program was meaningful for the families who participated and, perhaps, could inspire more families to participate in the future.  We would very much like to have your feedback on this program and whether or not it inspired your family.


The following students attended 5 out of the 10 days school was closed during the Pilgrimage Festivals (Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot) and will receive a free pass to Adventure Landing:

  • Kitah Gan: Morgan N.
  • Kitah Alef: Lily D., George S., Jacob M. & Maya L.
  • Kitah Bet: Aleeya S. & Saylor S.
  • Kitah Gimmel: Samantha L. & Isa Z.
  • Kitah Dalet: Samantha Z. & Arin N.

The following students attended 8 out of the 10 days (including 1 day of each holiday) and will receive a free pass to Adventure Landing and 2 free Jaguars Tickets:

  • Kitah Gan: Zach H. & Sadie H.
  • Kitah Alef: Hallel S., Lucy G. & Evan W.
  • Kitah Bet: Eva G., May A., Moses J., Daisy H., Alon S., Ariel O., Anna F., Eliana M. & Yisrael A.
  • Kitah Gimmel: Lial A. & Benjamin D.
  • Kitah Dalet: Elad O., Zach M. & Eliana J.
  • Kitah Hay: Elior L., Itamar L. & Benjamin C.
  • Middle School: Jake G., Josh F., Lily H., Max M. & Ryan M.

Congratulations to all!  (And if there are any errors, please do let us know!)



The Transparency Files Bonus Edition: Head of Academy Self-Evaluation

First a little housecleaning…

Thanks very much to EJewishPhilanthropy for publishing this week an article I wrote entitled, If We Can Do It, So Can You!  One Small School’s Journey to the Center of 21st Century Learning.  And thanks to everyone who commented, tweeted, liked or otherwise made mention.  It is a great credit to the faculty and staff of the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School that edJEWcon was born from our pioneering work.  And it is an even greater credit to our stakeholders for giving us the trust, space and resources to do it!

Our “Journey Through the Jewish Holidays” was completed on Shavuot.  We are in the process of tallying the data and look forward to announcing the names of students who earned prizes for excellence in synagogue attendance as well how and when those prizes will be given out.  There is no question that it had some impact – especially on Sukkot. We had increased attendance and, as a result, increased programming on these special holidays.  It takes time to change culture, so we will evaluate this year and decide whether or not to continue, expand, tweak or adjust this program for next year.  We would love feedback from parents as to whether or not these kinds of incentives are meaningful for you and your children.


We are not only finishing up the school year at MJGDS, but celebrating the successful close to the first year of Galinsky Academy!  Here are some of the big accomplishments from Year One:

  • Creation of “Community of Kindness” Initiative – although there is LOTS more work to do, we did take important first steps.  I will have an important update on this in the next few weeks!
  • Extension of 21st Century Learning to all Academy Schools.
  • Consolidation of LDVD Annual Campaign & hiring a Development Director.
  • Establishing clear and consistent Parent Communication vehicles.
  • Branding Initiative for the Academy and all its Schools.
  • Rebranding of DuBow Preschool
  • Better integration between Academy and the Center/between our educators and our clergy.

In the ongoing spirit of transparency, I would like to share my self-evaluation of my first year serving as “Head of Academy”:

As Head of Academy, I have the responsibility for performing evaluation of school heads each November.  I also have responsibility for all Academy governance, marketing, budget and development activities.  Much of my work in these areas has been led by the Three-Year Strategic Plans that govern all the standing committees and communities of the Academy: Preschool, Religious School/Makom, Day School, Budget & Finance, Development, Marketing, Committee on Trustees, and Head Support & Evaluation.

We have had tremendous success with governance.  All of our committees and communities have been profiled and we have begun to address gaps as we finish the process of fleshing out all the committees and communities for the next two years.  Strong chairs are in place as well strategic plans, governing principles, and a strong Committee on Trustees to manage the system.

Goal: In 2012-2013, I attended each meeting of each committee, community, Cabinet and JJC Board.  While it was a necessary and worthwhile investment to get off the ground, it is not healthy (for anyone) for the big picture.  I will be looking to strategically draw back next year so that I may place my time and energy in other areas of need.


We have professionalized our budget oversight and completely revised our Financial Aid process.


  • Feedback from committees requires us to ensure all committee members are aware of how the budget works and are updated more frequently throughout the year.
  • I would like to find ways to move the financial aid process up a couple of months so that we can assess our maximal need before drafting our budget and to ensure that the process can be as compassionate and customer-friendly as possible.


We have dramatically increased annual giving through our L’Dor V’Dor Annual Campaign for Galinsky Academy.


  • With a new Development Director we have an opportunity to better steward donors, maximize the Head of Academy’s role in development, motivate volunteers, etc., and create new benchmarks for annual giving.
  • Explore all aspects of development beyond annual giving, including endowments, capital giving, naming opportunities and planned giving.
  • Work to pool Admissions and Development to maximize strengths and opportunities – move towards an “Advancement” model.


We have spent 2012-2013 on a Branding Initiative for the Academy.  We have created all new collateral, a new brochure, and an MJGDS curriculum guide and are finishing up on new websites.  We developed a new social media strategy and employed parent ambassadors.  Besides what has already been stated about admissions, one goal for next year is to ensure our new marketing plan comes to life.

The most significant challenge of this new position is assuming responsibility for the supervision of the heads of the other schools that make up the academy, one goal for next year is to create an assessment tool that measures the impact of leadership on the schools including how to factor in all the variables that determine whether a school is “successful” – especially when the normal variables don’t apply.


Overall, I believe it has been a very successful first year with a whole new paradigm.  There is a lot of work to do and a long road ahead.  Our strategic plan provides a roadmap.  I look forward to coaching and mentoring from the Head Support & Evaluation Committee, and to working with all our lay leaders, senior leadership of the Center, my fellow school heads, colleagues and the entire faculty and staff of Galinsky Academy to help get us there.

The Transparency Files: Standardized Testing

This is our third year of publishing the “Grade Equivalent Scores” for the Iowa Test of Basic Skills or ITBS – the standardized test we take annually at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School.  We did not have comparison data the first year we published results.  I also blogged that year about our overall philosophy regarding the proper context for standardized testing.  Last year we able for the first time to graph out comparison data and provided an analysis of our findings.

There was, and continues to be, some confusion about the proper understanding of what a “grade equivalent score” is and, more importantly, is not.  I am happy to refer you to a thorough explanation, but if you want the quick summary:

Grade-equivalent scores attempt to show at what grade level and month your child is functioning.  However, grade-equivalent scores are not able to show this.  Let me use an example to illustrate this.  In reading comprehension, your son scored a 7.3 grade equivalent.  The seven represents the grade level while the 3 represents the month.  7.3 would represent the seventh grade, third month, which is December.  The reason it is the third month is because September is zero, October is one, etc.  It is not true though that your son is functioning at the seventh grade level since he was never tested on seventh grade material.  He was only tested on fifth grade material.  That’s why the grade-equivalent scores should not be used to decide at what grade level a students is functioning.

This year, I blogged about our firm belief that “reflection leads to achievement”.  In that post, I attempt to peg our pioneering work in 21st century learning to academic success. All the blogging, reflecting, technology, project-based learning, flipped classrooms, etc., we not only do because we believe it leads to the best outcomes…we do it because it does lead to the best outcomes.

We do not believe that standardized test scores represent the only, nor surely the best, evidence for academic success.  Our goal continues to be providing each student with a “floor, but no ceiling” representing each student’s maximum success.  Our best outcome is still producing students who become lifelong learners.

But I also don’t want to undersell the objective evidence that shows that the work we are doing here does in fact lead to tangible success!

Our graduates the last three years have successfully placed into the high school programs of their choice.  Each one had a different ceiling – they are all different – but working with them, their families and their teachers, we successfully transitioned them all to the schools and programs they qualified for.

And for three years running, despite all the qualifications and caveats, our ITBS scores continue to demonstrate excellence.  Excellence within the grades and between them. And let’s be clear, this academic excellence comes with an inclusive admissions process.

That’s the headline…let’s look more closely at the story.

First up is “Language”.

MJGDS ITBS 2013 - Language


Remember…in order to track a class you have to compare 2012 to 2013.  For example, in 2012, the Language Grade Equivalent of Average for Grade Two was 3.4.  In 2013, those kids are now in Grade Three and scored 4.9.  That class “grew” 1.5 from last year to this. (Also, the scale stops at 13…it is the highest score available.)

The positive, of course, is that each grade is functioning at an extremely high level!  There are dips up and down, but when both the averages and the diversity level is high, it hard to find much to point to.  One data point to explore is that although most classes grew at least one grade equivalency, Grades One and Two did not.  They still have high averages, but this is worth looking at further.  This is also the benefit of not teaching to the test…it can sometimes uncover gaps in curriculum or teaching.

Let’s move onto “Reading”.

MJGDS ITBS 2013 - Reading


Here the news is all positive!  Each class grew at least one grade equivalency (technically Grade One grew .9) and all are functioning at very high levels.  One possible influence that we will be looking to track is the growing impact of the Daily Five, which we began piloting in Grades 4 & 5, but also had influence on other grades.

Let’s take a look at “Math”.

MJGDS ITBS 2013 - Math

Again, the overwhelming news is positive.  This marks the second year we are using Singapore Math, the first year for a few of our teachers, and the first year of departmentalization in Grades Four & Five.  The only trend worth noting is the relatively flat growth in the youngest grades.  The grade averages, even in those grades, are appropriately high and the class averages still show growth.  It is the rate of growth we will need to explore.  It could be that our students are covering more than the curriculum in Kindergarten – where the curriculum is the most sparse – and it takes until Grades Two or Three before the curriculum jumps.  [NOTE: It takes a lot of courage for teachers to work under this level of transparency.]  We have noted in the past that the curriculum tends to start out slow and build…and if that is the case, we may need to think about how to supplement in Kindergarten and Grade One.


To sum up, despite our focus on individual growth, our average growth continues to significantly outpace national percentiles and grade equivalency scores.  Does “reflection lead to achievement” at MJGDS?  Does being a 21st century learning pioneer translate into high academic success?

Three years in a row may not be conclusive, but it carries weight.

As with last year, all receiving teachers will have prior years’ data and be charged with making the next year even better.  They have been up to the task these last three years and we look forward to more learning, more growth and more excellence in the year to come.





The Transparency Files: Annual Parent Survey

After making transparent the results of my own evaluation by both myself and my faculty, it is time to turn to our other annual survey: the Annual Parent Survey.  [For comparison sake, you are welcome to explore last year’s reflection.]

I will try to highlight any trends I see over the years as well as indicate anything of import in this year’s survey.

The first trend is that each year far fewer parents (22 vs. 39 vs. 64) filled out surveys!

Possible explanations?

Families could be thrilled with what’s going on.  Families could be resigned that the results are not taken seriously enough to invest the time in.  There could be a certain amount of apathy.  Or perhaps we are not marketing the surveys enough.

Regardless, the lower the rate, the possibility of strong validity is reduced.  But in the spirit of hoping to learn from whatever there is to learn…let’s move on to the results.


Parent Survey Graph #1


This is more even than last year, but still skewed a bit towards the younger grades, as expected in school surveys.  Let’s look at the BIG PICTURE:



The score is still promising.  On a  scale of 1-10, our average score wound up being an 8.0 Last year we scored an 8.3.  The year prior we scored 7.7.  It is a fairly stable score – especially considering the sample – but still leaves us some room to grow.  Let’s dig deeper.



When it comes to communication, we continue to have high marks.  Each one has gone up (except the first, which is virtually the same)!  The biggest jumps come in providing opportunities for parents to be involved in student learning (which was the lowest one the prior year).  Hopefully this indicates growth on our part from what we learned. Another big jump was in parent-teacher conferences, which I would like to attribute to our piloting Student-Led Conferences.  I am pleased that the biggest jump came in front office attitude, and I have shared that pleasure with those people.  The place to keep working appears to be ongoing communication about children’s academic status, which could be a concern about our current system in the Middle School or lack of a system in the Lower School.



I know it is a little crowded, so let me break down some of the highlights.

Let me unpack the non-subject specific areas first:

  • Most important increase!  The education offered at our school is high quality: 8.4 vs. 8.28 (last year) vs. 7.72 (the year before last year)
  • EVERY category in this section is up – most importantly questions that deal with “teaching in different styles”, “teaching to different levels” and “satisfied…(with) individual attention”.  All these categories blend with “21st century learning”.

General Studies:

  • The big picture is great!  The OVERALL rating has gone to 8.3 from last year’s 7.97 from the prior year’s 7.19. That is a trend in the right direction.
  • Based on that it makes sense that all General Studies scores are up from last year, with one exception.  The impact of Singapore Math continues to positively impact as does, we hope, the influence of the Daily Five on Language Arts.
  • But there is still room to grow.  Science took a drop – and that is despite dedicating time and an instructor in the Lower School for the first time.  It is impossible to know because of how the survey is done whether or not to attribute the drop to dissatisfaction in Grades K-2 (where there is time, but no teacher), Grades 3-5 (where there is time and a new position), or Middle School (which is the same).  Regardless, this is something very important for us to explore.  There is no “21st century learning” without high-quality Science instruction.

Jewish Studies, Resources and Extracurricular Activities:

  • The marks in these areas are, again, all slightly down from last year.  Not dramatically so, but still noticeable.  With renewed emphasis on language immersion, we really do believe our program is stronger, but for whatever reason it has not translated to parent satisfaction (at least from the sample).  It is possible that we have set a higher bar and the distance from it is now more noticeable.  We have pledged to post more video of our students engaged in authentic Hebrew speech and this will hopefully contribute to higher marks in the years to come.
  • Our weakest area has consistently been “After School Activities”.  It is hard to know if this is a referendum on the quality of what we do offer or on the quantity of what we do not offer.  We have added more club sports and a Chess Club on top of an Enhanced Kindergarten Program and partnership with the JCA.  We might wish to do some parent surveys to unpack this one more fully.

So there you have it for 2012-2013!

Thanks to all the parents who took the time and care to fill out surveys.  In addition to the multiple choice questions, there were opportunities for open-ended responses.  They added an additional layer of depth; one which is difficult to summarize for a post like this.  But please know that all comments will be shared with those they concern as we use this data to make enhancements and improvements headed into next year.  By the by, we are very pleased with how well satisfied our parents are with how the school is going…but be assured, just like with everything else, we expect to see growth and progress in a school where there is “a floor, but no ceiling”.