You can read, here, all about the history and reasons for the #NoOfficeDay I took this week at our school.
So…how was it?
It was super fun!
So much fun that I was telling someone that evening that I didn’t want to go back to work the next day because I knew I’d have to make it Jon’s #OfficeDayToMakeUpForNoOfficeDay!
But it was well worth it! It was so great to spend the day where the real action is – in the classrooms and hallways and lunch rooms and parking lots. Will it have the desired carryover? I am really going to try. If your budget is the most honest reflection of your values, than your schedule has to be a close second. It is time to put my time where my mouth is.
This is the finished product – Jon’s #NoOfficeDay – The Movie! Thanks to Talie Zaifert, our Admissions & Marketing Director, for the iMovie tutorial. My goal was to use this opportunity, not only to get out of the office, but to role model the attempt to master new 21st century learning tools. This was my first attempt at using a Flip camera (hence the horrible camerawork) and using iMovie – so all mistakes belong to me alone.
Thanks to all the other agencies and school leaders for inspiring me to join them outside the office!
Enjoy! (And you might want to take a motion sickness pill…)
Thanks so much for sharing your day with us… I didn’t get to do one this week, so it is a pleasure to peek in on your day. It looked and sounded like you had a wonderful day!
Thanks for the shout-out and the original inspiration!
I loved it!!! It looked like you had a really good time. I am a little dizzy though. Keep up the great work!