Looking Backwards to Look Forward #1: A Floor, But No Ceiling (Personalized Learning)

Last week, I introduced a series of blog posts, “Looking Backwards to Look Forward” as I begin to contemplate the end of my 8-year tenure as Head of the Ottawa Jewish Community School.  They will not come in consecutive weeks, however, this week, I will move forward with the first post of this series focused on one of our North Stars that was, in fact, my “North Star” before becoming our North Star – an approach that has defined my work across all headships and in the field itself, so much so, that it is the actual title of my blog: “A Floor, But Not a Ceiling”.

Introduction (Looking Backwards):

When I first wrote about personalized learning at the Ottawa Jewish Community School (OJCS), I described our foundational promise to parents clearly:

“The promise we make to parents is that there will be an appropriately rigorous independent-school floor for every child, and no ceiling on expectations for how far each child may fly.  Our responsibility is to lovingly push each child toward his or her maximal potential.”

This metaphor of a sturdy “floor” paired with limitless “ceilings” guided our pedagogical decisions from day one.

What We’ve Learned (Anchored in Real Examples):

Looking back, personalized learning emerged as one of our most impactful educational innovations—deepening student engagement and improving outcomes precisely because we took personalization seriously.  Authentic personalization at OJCS meant understanding the unique starting points of each learner and providing genuine opportunities for meaningful growth.

Specific examples brought this promise vividly to life in our classrooms:

  • SK Literacy:  When a student arrives in Senior Kindergarten already reading fluently, s/he is not asked to spend the year sounding out letters. Instead, s/he receives immediately challenging reading materials aligned with their advanced skills.
  • Grade 2 Math Enrichment: Grade 2 students demonstrating mastery of grade-level math concepts aren’t left unchallenged; they are provided enrichment opportunities to go both deeper and father, but in-class and with pull-out enrichment opportunities.
  • French DELF Certification:  In French studies, personalized learning was evident through our preparation for the Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) assessments.  Rather than teaching French as a one-size-fits-all course, students engaged in language instruction targeted to their individual proficiency, allowing them to earn internationally recognized certifications that authentically matched their skill levels.
  • Grade 4 Jewish Studies:  Students explored Jewish identity through personalized projects, like those featured on the Grade 4 Jewish Studies Blog, where each child’s individual experiences and questions shaped meaningful Jewish learning.
  • Middle School Science Inquiry: As highlighted in our Middle School Science  Blog, students don’t merely cover the curriculum—they pursue independent, interest-driven inquiries, taking their explorations beyond foundational standards to areas of personal passion.

These examples weren’t isolated; they represented the broader culture of differentiated teaching and learning we intentionally cultivated.  [Want to see tons of examples across the grades and curricula?  Check out the OJCS Blogosphere & OJCS Student Blogfolios!]

Challenges and Realizations (Anchored in Artifacts – CAT-4 Analysis):

Yet, even as we celebrated successes, our annual reflections—particularly my detailed blog posts analyzing CAT-4 standardized test results—reminded us of areas needing attention.  As repeatedly documented, data often validated our success at pushing high-achieving students even further but also raised persistent questions:

  • Were we consistently and effectively reaching every child—especially those requiring intensive support—to ensure our “floor” was genuinely rigorous for all?
  • Could personalized learning unintentionally widen achievement gaps, making equity even more essential?

Our response to these insights often include integrating evidence-based practices.  For literacy, for example we are informed by the “Science of Reading”, reflected in our adoption of the Amplify literacy platform. Amplify allows teachers to use precise, data-driven insights to personalize instruction effectively.  Similarly, platforms like IXL provided personalized, adaptive practice across multiple subjects, ensuring all students progressed meaningfully from their unique starting points.

Further, our comprehensive student-support network—covering enrichment programs, remediation, resource services, and ESL—ensure personalized learning remained inclusive and equitable, helping bridge potential gaps.

Looking Forward (Guiding Questions):

Reflecting authentically on these insights prompts critical guiding questions as we look ahead:

  • How can we deepen professional development so every teacher feels confident and well-equipped to personalize instruction effectively across subjects—from French to Jewish Studies, from Math enrichment to literacy intervention?
  • What new systems or approaches are needed to guarantee our personalization truly benefits every learner, particularly those most at risk of falling behind?
  • How will we consistently leverage data-driven reflection—such as our annual CAT-4 results and insights from platforms like Amplify and IXL—to continuously adjust and improve?
  • What new assessments will we create to ensure we apply the same rigour to Hebrew and Jewish Studies as we do to secular content?

As we move forward, our commitment to personalized learning remains steadfast yet nuanced.  We must ensure the educational “floor” remains robust and rigorous for every student, while genuinely eliminating ceilings—so each child truly has the opportunity to soar exactly as far as their unique potential can carry them.

The Transparency Files: CAT*4 Results Part 3 (of 3)

Welcome to “Part III” of our analysis of this year’s CAT4 results!

In Part I, we provided a lot of background context and shared out the simple results of how we did this year.  In Part II, we began sharing comparative data, focusing on snapshots of the same cohort (the same children) over time.  Remember that it is complicated because of three factors:

  • We did NOT take the CAT*4 in 2020 due to COVID.
  • We only took the CAT*4 in Grades 5-8 in 2021.
  • We resumed taking the CAT*4 in Grades 3-8 in 2022.

Here, in Part III, we will finish sharing comparative data, this time focusing on snapshots of the same grade (different groups of children).  Because it is really hard to identify trends while factoring in skipped years and COVID, we are going to narrow in here just on Grades 3 & 4 (2022 -2024) and Grades 5-8 (2021-2024).

Here is a little context that will apply to all six snapshots:

  • Remember that any score that is two grades above ending in “.9” represents the max score, like getting a “6.9” for Grade 5.
  • Bear in mind, that the metric we are normally looking at when it comes to comparing a grade is either stability (if the baseline was appropriately high) or incremental growth (if the baseline was lower than desired and and the school responded with a program or intervention in response).
  • In 2023 we took it in the “.1” of the school year and in all prior years in the “.2”.  If we are being technical, therefore, “.9” would actually be the truest measure of growth since the time frame is “.1” less.  For the purposes of this analysis, I am going round “.9” up and consider it a “year’s” worth of growth.

Here are the grade snapshots:

What can we learn from Grade 3 over time?

  • I don’t want to have to repeat this each time, but please remember these are different children taking this test in Grade 3.   Grade 3 is also the first year we take the test and so there is only so much to learn here.
  • One assumes that with a stable teaching team (not always true) that, over time, the scores would gently curve upwards towards a maximum (here “4.9”), however, again, considering these are completely different children, the growth really is more visible in Part II’s analysis.
  • When I look at this, I say, that “Writing Conventions” and “Spelling” are the areas for focus.  In a few more years, we’ll know better what is the blip and what is the trend, but even though we are essentially at “grade level,” the floor we seek is set a bit higher.  This will be a place for Grade 3 to use the data to drive curricular and programmatic decisions.

What can we learn from Grade 4 over time?

  • Here we see a bit of the converse of the one above…if 2023 is the blip, then these are overall excellent scores.
  • Again, if there was a place to look – even if all years fall at or above grade level – it would be Computation & Estimation.

What can we learn from Grade 5 over (more) time?

  • Again, we are looking at Grade 5.  So even the dips (Grade 5 2024 Spelling) are actually at grade level.
  • Writing Conventions are a bit hard to tease out (different children), but worth paying attention to.
  • And, again, Computation & Estimation has settled higher, but with our hopes for two grades above, still has room to grow.

Now let’s see how the transition to Middle School impacts things.

What can we learn from Grade 6 over time?

It is worth asking if there one can see the difference when we shift from Lower School (with there being a General Studies Teacher) to Middle School (with separate Language Arts and Math Teachers).  Because even though this is four year’s worth of different children in Grade 7, other than a couple of blips, these are all uniformly excellent scores at or near the max.

What can we learn from Grade 7 over time?

This is essentially the same story as Grade 6, which reinforces the above.

What can we learn from Grade 8 over time?

The same.

Biggest takeaway?  It is probably overdue for OJCS to take a hard look at Spelling, but other than that a snapshot of where all our students are by their last year at OJCS has to reassuring for our current parents and, hopefully, inspiring to all those who are considering how OJCS prepares its graduates for high school success.

The bottom line is that our graduates – year after year – successfully place into the high school programs of their choice.  Each one had a different ceiling – they are all different – but working with them, their families and their teachers, we successfully transitioned them all to the schools (private and public) and programs (IB, Gifted, French Immersion, Arts, etc.) that they qualified for.

And now again this year, with all the qualifications and caveats, our CAT*4 scores continue to demonstrate excellence.  Excellence within the grades and between them.

Not a bad place to be as we enter the 2025-2026 enrollment season…

The Transparency Files: CAT*4 Results Part 2 (of 3)

Welcome to “Part II” of our analysis of this year’s CAT*4 results!

In last week’s post, we provided a lot of background context and shared out the simple results of how we did this year.  Here, in our second post, we are now able to begin sharing comparative data, focusing on snapshots of the same cohort (the same children) over time.  You may notice a few irregularities in the data because of three factors:

  • We did NOT take the CAT*4 in 2020 due to COVID.
  • We only took the CAT*4 in Grades 5-8 in 2021.
  • We resumed taking the CAT*4 in Grades 3-8 in 2022.

Here is a little analysis that will apply to all five snapshots:

  • Remember that any score that is two grades above ending in “.9” represents the max score, like getting a “6.9” for Grade 5.
  • Bear in mind, that the metric we are normally looking at when it comes to comparing a cohort over time is whether or not we see at least one full year’s growth (on average) each year – for Grade 8 we are factoring an expected two full year’s growth between 2019 and 2021 due to COVID.  [Feel free to refer to prior years’ results for specific analyses of both “COVID Gaps” and “COVID Catch-Ups”.]
  • In 2023 we took it in the “.1” of the school year and in all prior years in the “.2”.  If we are being technical, therefore, “.9” would actually be the truest measure of growth since the time frame is “.1” less.  For the purposes of this analysis, I am going round “.9” up and consider it a “year’s” worth of growth.

Here are the cohort snapshots:

What does this snapshot of current Grade 4s reveal?

  • Pretty impressive, eh?!  With a maximum score of 5.9s almost all across the board, including more than a year’s growth in some categories, this is about as much as can reasonably expect.
  • The only place to pay attention to is Computation & Estimation, which although above grade-level (in both years), “only” showed .8 growth where we prefer to see .9 or higher.  But that is a very minor difference.

What does this snapshot of current 5s reveal?

  • Again, incredibly impressive all across the board, with lots of places where we see way more than 1 year’s worth of growth!
  • Important context in the places that in the 2024 results look lower.  Spelling, which just fell below the baseline of 5.1, actually grew at a 1.6.  Computation & Estimation actually grew at a 1.3.  This means that both are on track with another year to be on par with the rest of new-max scores.

What does this snapshot of current 6s reveal?

I mean…nothing really to say at all.  Perfect max scores all across the board with Computation & Estimation making the final leap up to join the rest.  Wow.

What does this snapshot of current 7s reveal?

  • Again, incredibly impressive, not only the near-perfects across the board, but the growth in some areas is above and beyond.
  • Writing Conventions took a 1.3 leap to the top.
  • Spelling took a huge 3.2 leap to the near-top.
  • Both Math scores took huge leaps as well.

All of this shows the cumulative effect of our Middle School.

What does this snapshot of current 8s reveal?

No analysis of current Grade 8s needed, just appreciation for their tremendous growth across their careers at OJCS and for their last three years of near perfection.  Not a bad advertisement for OJCS  and the OJCS Middle School.

To sum up this post, we have so much to be proud of in the standardized test scores of these particular cohorts over time.  The Math and Language Arts Teachers in Grades 3-8 have now begun meeting to go through their  CAT*4 results in greater detail, with an eye towards what kinds of interventions are needed now – in this year – to fill any gaps (both for individual students and for cohorts); and how might we adapt our long-term planning to ensure we are best meeting needs.  Parents will be receiving their child(ren)’s score(s) soon as they, and any contextualizing conversations, will be folded into Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Stay tuned next week for the concluding “Part III” when we will look at the same grade (different students) over time, see what additional wisdom is to be gleaned from that slice of analysis, and conclude this series of posts with some final summarizing thoughts.

The Transparency Files: CAT*4 Results Part 1 (of 3)

[Note from Jon: If you have either read this post annually or simply want to jump to the results without my excessive background and contextualizing, just scroll straight to the graph.  Spoiler alert: we did great!]

Each year I fret about how to best facilitate an appropriate conversation about why our school engages in standardized testing (which for us, like many independent schools in Canada, is the CAT*4, but may soon become the CAT*5), what the results mean (and what they don’t mean), how it impacts the way in which we think about “curriculum” and, ultimately, what the connection is between a student’s individual results and our school’s personalized learning plan for that student.  It is not news that education is a field in which pendulums tend to wildly swing back and forth as new research is brought to light.  We are always living in that moment and it has always been my preference to aim towards pragmatism.  Everything new isn’t always better and, yet, sometimes it is.  Sometimes you know right away and sometimes it takes years.

The last few years, I have taken a blog post that I used to push out in one giant sea of words, and broke it into two, and now three parts, because even I don’t want to read a 3,000 word post.  But, truthfully, it still doesn’t seem enough.  I continue to worry that I have not done a thorough enough job providing background, research and context to justify a public-facing sharing of standardized test scores.  Probably because I haven’t.

And yet.

With the forthcoming launch of Annual Grades 9 & 12 Alumni Surveys and the opening of the admissions season for the 2025-2026 school year, it feels fair and appropriate to be as transparent as we can about how well we are (or aren’t) succeeding academically against an external set of benchmarks, regardless of what is happening in the wider world.  That’s what “transparency” as both a value and a verb looks like.  We commit to sharing the data and our analysis regardless of outcome.  We also do it because we know that for the overwhelming majority of our parents, excellence in secular academics is a non-negotiable, and that in a competitive marketplace with both well-regarded public schools and secular private schools, our parents deserve to see the school’s value proposition validated beyond anecdotes.

Now for the annual litany of caveats and preemptive statements…

We have not yet shared out individual reports to our parents.  First our teachers have to have a chance to review the data to identify which test results fully resemble their children well enough to simply pass on, and which results require contextualization in private conversation.  Those contextualizing conversations will take place in the next few weeks and, thereafter, we should be able to return all results at Parent-Teacher Conferences.

There are  two big ideas to keep in mind:

  • The goal is to track data across all grades to allow us to see if…
    • The same grade scores as well or better each year.
    • The same cohort grows at least a year’s worth of growth.
  • It is super important to have the proper understanding and perspective of what a “grade equivalent score” really is.

Grade-equivalent scores attempt to show at what grade level and month your child is functioning.  However, grade-equivalent scores are not able to show this.  Let me use an example to illustrate this.  In reading comprehension, your son in Grade 5 scored a 7.3 grade equivalent on his Grade 5 test. The 7 represents the grade level while the 3 represents the month. 7.3 would represent the seventh grade, third month, which is December.  The reason it is the third month is because September is zero, October is one, etc.  It is not true though that your son is functioning at the seventh grade level since he was never tested on seventh grade material.  He was only tested on fifth grade material.  He performed like a seventh grader on fifth grade material.  That’s why the grade-equivalent scores should not be used to decide at what grade level a student is functioning.

Let me finish this section by being very clear: We do not believe that standardized test scores represent the only, nor surely the best, evidence for academic success.  Our goal continues to be providing each student with a “floor, but no ceiling” representing each student’s maximum success.  Our best outcome is still producing students who become lifelong learners.

But I also don’t want to undersell the objective evidence that shows that the work we are doing here does in fact lead to tangible success.  That’s the headline, but let’s look more closely at the story.  (You may wish to zoom in a bit on whatever device you are reading this on…)

A few tips on how to read this:

  • Historically we would take this at the “.2” of each grade-level year, but the last two years we have taken it at the “.1”.  [This may have a slight impact on the comparative data.]  That means that “at grade-level” [again, please refer above to a more precise definition of “grade equivalent scores”] for any grade we are looking at would be 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, etc.  For example, if you are looking at Grade 6, anything below 6.1 would constitute “below grade-level” and anything above 6.1 would constitute “above grade-level.”
  • The maximum score for any grade is “.9” of the next year’s grade.  If, for example, you are looking at Grade 8 and see a score of 9.9, on our forms it actually reads “9.9+” – the maximum score that can be recorded.
  • Because of when we take this test – approximately one-two months into the school year – it is reasonable to assume a significant responsibility for results is attributable to the prior year’s teachers and experiences.  But, of course, it is very hard to tease it out exactly, of course.

What are the key takeaways from these snapshots of the entire school?

  • Looking at six different grades through six different dimensions there are only two instances out of thirty-six of scoring below grade-level: Grades 3 (2.8) and 5 (5.0) Spelling.  This is honestly the best we have ever scored!  Every other grade and every other subject is either at or above or way above.
  • For those parents focused on high school readiness, our students in Grades 7 & 8 got the maximum score that can be recorded for each and every academic category except for Grade 8 Computation & Estimation (still 9.4).  Again, our Grade 7s maxxed out at 8.9 across the board and our Grades 8s maxxed out at 9.9 across the board save one 9.4.  Again, this is – by far – the best we have ever scored.

It does not require a sophisticated analysis to see how exceedingly well each and every grade has done in just about each and every section.  In almost all cases, each and every grade is performing significantly above grade-level.  This is a very encouraging set of data points.

Stay tuned next week when we begin to dive into the comparative data.  “Part II” will look at the same cohort (the same group of students) over time.  “Part III” will look at the same grade over time and conclude this series of posts with some additional summarizing thoughts.

Goal-Setting Conferences 2.0

The weather may have just finally turned, although still unseasonably warm for Ottawa, and we had a noon dismissal followed by a pupil-free day.  That could only mean one thing here at the Ottawa Jewish Community School, it was time for Goal-Setting Conferences 2.0!

We have spent the last day-and-a-half welcoming parents and students to the second iteration of our Goal-Setting Conferences.  What are “Goal-Setting Conferences” you ask?

North Star alert!  At OJCS, our students own their own learning, which means learning to goal-set is of paramount importance to their growth and development – now and throughout their lives.  Our conferencing opportunity to sit together with you and your child to discuss personalised goals is swiftly approaching on Thursday, November 7th & Friday, November 8th, and so we are sending along some much needed information to support you and your child through this growth process.

[We launched this last year as a pilot and you can revisit this post if you want all the possible background and context.]

What’s new this year?

We iterated a new process for this year that comes in response to student, parent and teacher feedback.  We believe strongly that it helped everyone more easily connect the dots with regard to what was prioritised for each child, with their voice and their parents a part of the conversation.   One major change that took place prior to the conferences themselves, was that with the transition back to semesters and with Goal-Setting Conferences sitting on the calendar where first trimester Parent-Teacher Conferences used to live, we decided to add first and third quarter Progress Reports so that parents could be in the know on all matters academic and otherwise.  First quarter reports went out earlier this week and teachers facilitated any related conversations so that the deck was cleared to focus on goal-setting.

Here’s how we prepped:

  • A grade-level appropriate lesson was taught to help children understand the benefits of setting personal goals (whether academic, social skills-related, social-emotional and/or spiritual).
  • Our teachers met individually with each student to help them think about what goals would be most beneficial for them at this time.
  • We encouraged parents to discuss their own goals for their child(ren) with them, or to bring those ideas with them to Goal-Setting Conferences to add with the teacher.
  • Parents booked Goal-Setting Conferences to meet with the classroom teachers to have meaningful discussions about the goals selected and to make a plan to help invite success.

For those who are curious, here is how we templated the different kinds of goals students, teacher and parents could be reaching towards:

And for our older students, we focused on helping them create SMART Goals:

We worked really hard this year to upgrade the preparation and the experience, and the view from the lobby as families have come in and out these last two days seems to validate that the hard work paid off.  From here, we have a responsibility to be explicit about how and where these goals will live throughout this school year – including meaningful updates on future progress reports, report cards, and parent-teacher conferences.  Additionally, as is true with all pilots and prototypes, we will seek feedback now that this round of conferences is complete so we can further refine things.

Here’s to helping our students get…

Reading the Calendar as Text

There is an idea in Talmudic hermeneutics (which defines the rules and methods for investigation and exact determination of meaning of the scriptures in the Jewish Bible, within the framework of Rabbinic Judaism) that you can unlock meaning by looking at the juxtaposition of biblical texts that don’t appear to be linked or related on the surface.  [For example, the fact that the law of shatnez in Deuteronomy 22:11 (the forbidding of wearing garments of mixed wool and linen) is immediately followed by the law of tzitzit in Deuteronomy 22:12 leads the rabbis to deduce through the juxtaposition of sections that you can wear a garment bearing tzitzit that is a mix of wool and linen.  Don’t worry if none of what I just wrote makes sense to you.]

But what if we applied this rule of “juxtaposition of sections” to the calendar?

Over the next few days at OJCS, we have an “only in a Canadian Jewish day school” convergence of events: today’s annual Terry Fox Run, Monday’s National Truth & Reconciliation Day, and then we head into Rosh Hashanah.  While each occasion is distinct in purpose and history, there is something deeply powerful about experiencing them in close proximity.  For children and families in a Canadian Jewish K-8 day school, these moments offer profound lessons that transcend individual contexts and connect us in shared values of courage, reflection, and responsibility.

The Legacy of Terry Fox: Courage and Collective Action

Terry Fox is a national hero whose story resonates far beyond Canadian borders.  His Marathon of Hope is more than just a symbol of endurance; it reflects the courage to pursue what seems impossible.  For our students, participating in a Terry Fox Run is about more than running. It’s an opportunity to connect with the value of mesirut nefesh—the Jewish concept of self-sacrifice for a higher cause.  When children run in Terry’s name, they aren’t just contributing to cancer research; they are internalizing the idea that each of us can make a difference, no matter our limitations.  We teach them that Terry’s story is about turning personal adversity into global activism—a message that resonates deeply with our school’s North Stars.

National Truth & Reconciliation Day: Reflection and Responsibility

Our commitment to holding space for National Truth & Reconciliation Day into our school calendar has become an essential part of how we engage our students with Canada’s complex history.  The day is set aside to remember and honour the survivors of residential schools, acknowledging the pain and trauma inflicted upon Indigenous communities.  For a Jewish day school, it offers an opportunity to reflect on the intersections between our own historical experiences and those of Indigenous peoples.  Our students learn that justice, tzedek, isn’t just a concept confined to Jewish history but is a universal human responsibility.  We want our children to understand that reconciliation isn’t a one-time event but an ongoing commitment to learning, listening, and acting in solidarity.

Rosh Hashanah: A Time for Renewal and Change

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, offers a moment of spiritual reflection that echoes the themes of both Terry Fox and National Truth & Reconciliation Day.  As we enter the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, we emphasize personal growth, repentance, and renewal.  We teach our students that while this holiday is about introspection, it is also about action—about making changes in our lives that positively impact those around us.  Much like Terry Fox’s unyielding dedication to his cause, and much like the ongoing process of reconciliation, Rosh Hashanah calls us to pursue tikkun olam—the repair of the world.  Whether in the context of family, community, or society at large, Rosh Hashanah reminds us that we have the power and responsibility to create meaningful change.

A Unique Canadian Jewish Experience

What makes these three juxtaposed events especially meaningful is the way they intersect within the unique fabric of our Canadian Jewish identity.  Terry Fox’s legacy, Truth & Reconciliation Day, and Rosh Hashanah each stand on their own, but together, they represent a powerful triad of courage, responsibility, and renewal.  In a Jewish day school like ours, we aim to provide students with the tools to engage fully as young Jewish Canadians, understanding that their identities are shaped by both their heritage and their broader Canadian context.  We want our students to ask big questions: How do we honour the past while building a better future? What does it mean to live as a proud Jew and a responsible citizen?

As this extraordinary week unfolds, I am eager to see the questions and discussions that arise among our students and families. How can we live with courage like Terry Fox?  What does it mean to actively participate in reconciliation efforts?  How can the reflection and renewal of Rosh Hashanah guide us in the year to come?  These are the kinds of questions that define the educational journey at OJCS.  While the answers may not come easily—or at all—the process of engaging with them is where the real learning happens.  As always, I’m excited to see how our students navigate the intersection of these significant moments, and I look forward to the lessons they will teach all of us in the process.

As the eve of a new Jewish Year approaches, it is my most sincerest hope that this is the year we’ve been waiting for.  To all the teachers, staff, parents, students, donors, supporters, and friends in this special school- thank you for your enthusiasm and your hard work.  5785 is shaping up to be a quite an amazing year!

From our family to yours, “Shanah tovah!”

The Transparency Files: How We Grow Our Teachers

When you have been doing this as long as I (somehow) have been doing this, it is natural to wind up with some sayings and “-isms” that help explain your “why” and core beliefs.  Here is one of mine: “We should treat our teachers at least as well as we do our students”.  There are lots of ways that can apply, but here I want to take a peek behind the curtain and share how we think about the critical work of growing our teachers.  There are three OJCS North Stars that we aspire to for our students that apply at least as well to our teachers: 1) We own our learning, 2) We learn better together, and 3) There is a floor, but no ceiling.

Just as we want our students to take responsibility for their own learning as they develop in school, we empower our teachers to take ownership of their professional growth.  The administration are not detectives looking to catch our teachers making mistakes, but partners in helping teachers become their best selves.  Just as we know that learning is not done best alone, we encourage our teachers to grow themselves in cohorts, in community and in partnerships.  And just as no two students are the same, we do not offer our teachers cookie-cutter PD; rather, we work with our teachers to co-create differentiated and personalized growth opportunities that meet them where they are and take them the next steps forward.  [This does not mean that the administration never proscribes or requires particular growth experiences if that is what is called for; but we do try to start with the teacher’s passions and preferences.]

If you look up you will see our school’s Learning Target, which I have blogged about in the past.  A quick reminder that,

This “Learning Target” is the instrument of alignment – meaning we can now make big and small decisions based on whether they bring our school closer to the target or not.  If our “North Stars” represent unchanging aspirational endpoints of our educational journey, our “Learning Target” functions as a map and a compass.

Our teachers measure themselves – and we measure them – against a detailed rubric that describes varying degrees of excellence across these five domains and seventeen sub-domains.  Each year we expect our teachers to demonstrate growth in (at least) one category.  That season starts now.  I am currently meeting with each teacher in our school to decide on a Professional Growth Project (PGP) that is intended to formally move that growth forward.  Once I meet with each teacher and determine their PGP, they are shared with the full administration so we can build a calendar of professional growth opportunities aligned with this year’s needs.

If you are an OJCS Parent and not interested in more detail, feel free to skip the next section…

Because this blog does attract a broader audience than current families at OJCS (sorry if that reads like a bit of a humblebrag), I am going to tack on a few more technical pieces of the hows and whats of what we call our Annual Performance Review Process or APReP…

For transparency sake, here is the same graphic we provide our teachers as an overview:

Things to know…

…anyone in the field who would like samples of all the documents that are (not) hyperlinked in the above JPEG, just put your email address in a comment or email me directly ([email protected]) and it will be my pleasure.

…this has been an iterative process over the years.  We have added features, taken away features, etc.  We currently distinguish between first-year teachers at OJCS, non-tenured teachers at OJCS, and tenured teachers at OJCS.  [For my non-union friends, at our school, teachers become tenured if they are asked back for their fourth consecutive year of service.]

…”ELT” is our Educational Leadership Team.

…first-year teachers do not have a PGP as it is enough to acclimate yourself to a new school.

…new this year, veteran teachers may volunteer to sit on committees in lieu of PGPs upon request and agreeance from the administration.

…the APReP process is how we determine who our teachers are each year and which portfolios they are given.  It is not intended to be a high-pressure or high-stakes process, but it does lead to meaningful outcomes.  It is rigourous and it is serious.

Our teachers are our most important variable in school success.  The more skilled, able, prepared and motivated our teachers…the greater the odds for all the outcomes we aspire towards.  We are looking forward to great year of learning at OJCS this year…not just for our students, but for our teachers as well!

OJCS Faculty Pre-Planning 2024: Disconnect to Reconnect

This is normally the post where we provide a peek behind the curtain of what happens at school the week before students arrive; the week that teachers return, engage in meaningful professional growth opportunities, plan together for the start of school, organize their rooms and spaces, etc.  This year, of course, with a renovation racing at breakneck speed towards the first day of school, we shifted the balance of Pre-Planning Week towards that last task – giving all the time needed to open these brand-new classrooms on the first day of school.

One advantage to a nearly 100% returning faculty and staff is that we can seamlessly move forward on work we have been doing these last few years to help OJCS reach ever-closer towards our North Stars.  And with enrollment still coming in (classic Ottawa), we are on track for a seventh consecutive year of growth.  As we prepare to (literally) open our doors next week to house students in classrooms which are now as excellent as the quality of teaching and learning contained therein, and as you prepare to enjoy the last holiday weekend marking the end of summer, let me paint a little picture of how we are preparing to make 2024-2025 the best year yet.

Here’s a curated selection from our activities…

The “Learned Helplessness”  Cafe

Each year (17 years, 8 at OJCS and counting!), I begin “Pre-Planning Week” with an updated version of the “World Café”.  It is a collaborative brainstorming activity centered on a key question.  Each year’s question is designed to encapsulate that year’s “big idea”.  This year’s big idea?  Disconnect to Reconnect!

As a segue to this one big idea, we started the World Café by exploring the notion of “learned helplessness” and whether or not our use of technology in school contributes to it.

Here’s what connected collaboration looks like…

The Anxious Generation

Beginning with last year’s prototype of a “Middle School Cell Phone Detox,” we are building upon this key idea:

It is always the right time to do what is necessary to ensure the wellbeing of our students.  A number of us on our Educational Leadership Team (beginning with Vice Principal Melissa Thompson) have been reading The Anxious Generation and following the discussion on one of its big ideas, “Wait Until 8th“.  Both deal with the negative impacts of constant and chronic use of smartphones, in particular, on young and developing minds.
This will be the ONE BIG IDEA for 2024-2025.  Parents will have an opportunity  to learn more at this year’s “Back to School Night”, as well as through parent education sessions and a series of cohorted book groups.  It will also be the theme of this year’s Middle School Retreat.  We are looking forward to sharing more…once we launch the start of school.
Behaviour Support @ OJCS 2.0
We took significant strides last year in the way in which we navigate behaviour, evidence of which can be found in our parent and faculty feedback data.  That doesn’t mean that we don’t continue to refine and revise our framework.   We do and we did.
Here is a reminder about the big idea that underpins our approach:
Here is our framework-at-a-glance:
Again, it cannot be understated how helpful it is having almost 100% returning faculty when it comes to these matters.  We can spend all our bandwidth on growing and improving.  We saw the impact of the framework last year; we look forward to greater impact with a second year under our collective parent-school collaborative belts.

Did we take a Shehekhiyanu Moment when we (finally!) were able to show our teachers their new classrooms?

Did I do one of my spiritual check-ins on the topic of the “Discomforting Comfort”?  Sure did!

Did Moreh David inject some ruach (North Star Alert!) into Pre-Planning Week with some all-staff shirah?  Yup!

Did Ms. Gordon go over all the guidelines and protocols and procedures and rules and mandates to keep us all in the know?  No doubt!

Did Josh Max train all our teachers on how to use our amazing new interactive whiteboards installed in all our classrooms and prepare our Lower School Teachers to use our 60 new iPads?  Yessiree!

Did our teachers have lots of time to meet and prepare and collaborate and organize and do all the things needed to open up school on Tuesday?  And then some!

All that and much more took place during this week of planning.  We are prepared to provide a rigorous, creative, innovative, personalised, and ruach-filled learning experience for each and every one of our precious students who we cannot wait to greet in person on the first day of school!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday weekend and a successful launch to the 2024-2025 school year…

A Middle School Cell Phone Detox

[NOTE: This is an extended version of an email sent this week to all parents in Grades 6-8.  I share it here as it likely will be of interest to our full OJCS community and possibly some of our fellow-travelers on the journey of schools.]

These are busy times indeed and with the rush of special events and the end of year coming into focus, this may seem like an odd time to launch yet another new initiative.  However, for us, it is always the right time to do what is necessary to ensure the wellbeing of our students.  A number of us on our Educational Leadership Team (beginning with Acting Vice Principal Melissa Thompson) have been reading The Anxious Generation and following the discussion on one of its big ideas, “Wait Until 8th“.  Both deal with the negative impacts of constant and chronic use of smartphones, in particular, on young and developing minds.  For those OJCS families continuing into 2024-2025, you can almost guarantee that will be the ONE BIG IDEA for next year – a leading theme of “Back to School Night”, the subject of parent education sessions, and a series of cohorted book groups focused on Grades 2-4.
But even right now, with just weeks left in the school year, our teachers in the Middle School are reporting an uptick in cell phone usage during school hours with resulting negative behaviours and a negative impact on social interactions.  Now, in theory, this should not be a thing.  Our school’s existing policy on cell phones is clear.  No OJCS student is permitted to possess a cell phone during school hours on campus property.  Yes, for those parents who wish for their children to have cell phones to use to safely navigate before or after school activities, they are permitted to have them, but they are supposed to remain in backpacks for the entire length of the school day.
Needless to say, we have not found complete success with enforcement, and both to calm the currents, and to learn for the future, we have moved forward with a full cell phone detox for middle school students at OJCS from May 15-24th.  Here is what it means: All cell phones that find their way to campus are being collected first period, stored in the office during the day, and returned to students last period.  (Any parent who does not want the school collecting their child(ren)’s cell phone(s), are keeping them home during these days.)  For local folk who follow the conversations with the public board or the Ministry of Education, you will notice that they, too, are shifting their policies in a way that is much more closely aligned with our proposed new direction.
Additionally, we have asked parents for their support in two areas: 1) Any student who wears an AppleWatch or any other kind of Smart Watch is being asked to either leave it at home, have it collected along with the cell phones, or have its connectivity disabled while at school.  We are checking on those students to ensure appropriate use.  2) Even with this detox, students still have their laptops/tablets.  Students are not supposed to be texting, emailing, or messaging with their parents during the school day.  This is impossible to 100% oversee, so even as we ramp up our supervision, we have asked for parent partnership in reminding their child(ren) by either not answering messages that come during school hours or – if parents are truly concerned by a message – to please redirect them to their teachers who are there to help them.
We are only a day or two into this experiment and we are grateful to our parents for their partnership in helping us to better enforce our existing policies.  At OJCS, we want children to be free from distraction and distress while they should be safe at school to learn and to engage with their peers in real life.  We’ll see what happens and will report back our findings and recommendations about next steps.
Thanks to all OJCS Parents who took the time to fill out this year’s Annual Parent Survey!  Although there has been a slight uptick in reponses, we are still far shy of a plurality of students/families.  I am going to keep the survey open until May 21st hoping that the holiday weekend provides you with the additional bandwidth to contribute your feedback.  These results do matter and directly impact programmatic choices, so please take the small amount of time it requires and make your voice heard.

Teacher Appreciation Week 2024

It feels like each year there is something from the outside world that warrants an explanation as to why this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week is worthy of your added attention.  Whether it was COVID in prior years or October 7th in this one, the job of being a teacher has only gotten more complicated…and more important.  And, of course, here at OJCS what with the relocation and the renovation underway, this year all the more so…

Teachers are not infallible.  Teachers make mistakes.  Teachers can do the wrong thing.  A hopeful return to giving teachers the benefit of the doubt won’t mean blind faith.  Giving teachers the benefit of the doubt doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t advocate for their children.  Giving teachers the benefit of the doubt doesn’t meant that sometimes parents don’t have a better solution to an issue than their teachers.  The best of schools foster healthy parent-teacher relationships explicitly because of these truths.  Both partners are required to produce the best results.  But somewhere in between my time as a student to my time as an educator, the culture changed.  Respect for teachers went from being automatic to being earned to being ignored.

How about this year, let’s assume the best of our teachers – even when they have difficult truths to share.  Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt – even when they don’t communicate as well as they could.  Let’s treat them as partners – even when they make mistakes.  Let’s not simply tell our teachers that we appreciate them; let’s actually appreciate them.

Looking for ideas?

Here is what we will be doing for our teachers as a school:

How about you?

Pump up this great “Teacher Appreciation Week” playlist, pick an item from below (aggregated from lots of blog posts) and make a teacher’s day:

  • A personalized note or email
  • A homemade craft
  • Caffeine
  • A hot meal
  • Gift cards
  • Plants
  • A personalized thank-you sign
  • Small treasures
  • Something special that reminds a teacher of his/her student(s)
  • Alcohol (but check first!)
  • Show up for school!
  • Spa treatment
  • Experiential gifts (like a remote yoga or dance class)
  • Donations to a dream project
  • Year-Round Advocacy

I look forward to sharing results from the Annual Parent Survey later this month.  If you have NOT yet contributed and you want your results included, please fill yours out by Monday, May 15th.  Please and thank you!